Official Q & A Thread

speed evs (not sure about the rest. health maybe?)
Arial Ace
Steel Wing
Brave Bird (egg move with Staraptor)
ok how do you get brave bird on a tailow, do i just breed a male staraptor with a female swellow?

if so, cant i just breed a staravia since its quikcer, rather than a staraptor?
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Doesnt matter, as long as the Starly evolution has Brave Bird and is a male
For Crobat:
Air Slash
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Confuse Ray

(choose from them)
Can't really think of a good ev set but:
100 speed
200 sp atk
125 def
135 sp def
Hey I got a torterra with pokerus, I just noticed it, got it from the GTS.

Could somebody help me out to make others pokemon get infected with it?

THNX a lot!
You just battle it 5-10 times and the pokes next to it in you're party will then be infected.
If it does, just pm me and i'll give you an infected poke to use as an infector.
is the description of "scatter thing around" is good for a jolly weavile??

i know most of the descriptions but this is the only 1 idk about.
that adds to HP.
Good for anyone (except Shedinja)
ok what should i keep/change are they any good...its just the moveset

kadabra - psychic psybeam trick recover

jolteon- thunderbolt subsitute baton pass shadowball

ninjask- x-scissor swords dance baton pass cut

crobat- air slash dark pulse sludge bomb toxic

aerodactyl- earthquake fly fire fang ??????

also does anyone have any ideas on what items i should give them?
aerodactyl - add rock slide
ninjask - take out cut for protect
jolteon - take out batton pass and substitute and put in thunder wave and put in flash/double team
kadabra - take out trick and psybeam and put in energy ball/shadow ball and focus blast. also evolve him.
iRAWR said:
ok what should i keep/change are they any good...its just the moveset

kadabra - psychic psybeam trick recover

Trickspecs... Take out Psybeam for Energy Ball/Focus Blast
Shadow Ball over Recover.

jolteon- thunderbolt subsitute baton pass shadowball
Normally you would have Hidden Power over Shadow Ball, but you might as well go Yawn over Sball. Yawn, substitute, baton pass.
ninjask- x-scissor swords dance baton pass cut
Take out cut and replace with either Substitute or Protect. Both are fine.
crobat- air slash dark pulse sludge bomb toxic

aerodactyl- earthquake fly fire fang ??????
I myself lean towards Ariel Ace over Fly since Fly takes two turns. You can also go Ice Fang over Fire Fang if you want. Last slot Pursuit or Rock Slide.
also does anyone have any ideas on what items i should give them?
Meh, then Jolteon is left with a shity moveset. I'll give you a shadow ball tm iRAWR, just pm me.

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