Official Q & A Thread

i beaten the elite four more than 7 times and thers no benco city in my game, but i got a question about online battling...if you choose to do a lvl 100 battle do all your pokemons levels go up to 100 and all there ev's and iv's and that increase as well?
ok ive been gone for a while and i was wondering what the deal was with mystery gift and darkrai and the movie? and is nintendo still gonna do more mystery gift events?
Err um when you EV train you don't count how much stats you gain after you lvl up and say if like +2 attack you go okay 8 EV's, or do you count what pokemon you killed and how much EV's they give so you right how much? Sorry if it is the wrong section, because it is about EV training, but this is the Q/A thread is it?
Quick question:

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