Official Q & A Thread

is aqua tail, thunder punch, fire punch, and dragon rush a good moveset for dragonite
go on serebii and check thier max stats on good nature, and whiever one is the highest get a nature that prmotes it but reduces on attack (either attack or special attack), or u can do speed and reduce an attack

like for gible u can do a Jolly nature and EV speed Hp and Attack
-blake, that moveset = huh lol, could be improved i reckon you should PM massi4h hes a pro on movesets.

-Slimi, serebii IV calc sux,

-IRAWR , be about level 48-60 with a good type coverage and buy a few full restores, super potions,revives, full heals.(maybe get some leppa berries too,to recover pp)
I still have this question: can youbreed dittos? danny gave me alot of dittos that said were hatched from eggs at solacean town. but I put two dittos in daycare, and I have walked 4000 steps and still no egg...?
Slimi said:
I still have this question: can youbreed dittos? danny gave me alot of dittos that said were hatched from eggs at solacean town. but I put two dittos in daycare, and I have walked 4000 steps and still no egg...?
i am not really sure about that. i know on serebii it says that it takes about 5000 steps to haych a ditto, so i guess you can breed them. maybe the two dittos dont get along? try using a different ditto.
You can't at all breed Dittos. I would have never suspected danny to ever hack...

On SPP, they just hack the game and find the egg counter for each pokemon, all pokemon have an egg counter, but doesn't mean they can breed. Even legendaries have egg counters.
massi4h said:
You can't at all breed Dittos. I would have never suspected danny to ever hack...

On SPP, they just hack the game and find the egg counter for each pokemon, all pokemon have an egg counter, but doesn't mean they can breed. Even legendaries have egg counters.
It says egg hatched solacean town?
Just to clarify:

I thought I remembered breeding dittos in gold and silver and crystal, but I actually wasnt... Dittos cannot breed other dittos *surprisingly* if thats what you guys are talking about :p I was surprised by that :sick: found it out on a breeding website...
massi4h said:
Well then it is definitely hacked.
trust me i dont hack

i dunno i just went on serebii and said it can breed so i put two in the day care and a baby came out i have no idea how
does anybody know anything about a supposibly benco city that it is gained after beating the elite four 7 times

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