Official Q & A Thread

emmspokemon said:
ok i get it a little bit now thanks
but still dont understand
Its pretty hard to explain and i have broken it down as much as i can, so im soz but i guess u cannot understand it.
Ayo said:
IV stands for Individual Value and the higher the IV the higher your stat will be at the end of EV traning. The higest IV u can get is 31 and if u fully EV that stat you will have it maxxed out. That is y natuire is also important as there is a +10% boost and -10% reduction in 2 stats (unless u have a netural nature).

so if u have a jolteon for example, which if it has a nature that boosts spped, the max that it could get is 394 speed. But u can only reach 394 speed if u have an IV of 31 and u max out the speed EV. Eventually if u have an IV of 0, you will have 31 points less than what it could max out, so in this case, 361.

You can predict the IV of one of the pokemons stats by looking at the pokemons characterisit, however there is a chance the Iv could be 26,17,11 or 0 so be weary wen using this technique.

The 6 you want to learn are:

31HP: Often dozes off
31ATK: Likes to thrash about
31DEF: Capable of taking hits
31SAT: Mischievous
31SDF: Somewhat vain
31SPD: Alert to sounds

but remember there is a chance that it is not 31 all the time.
woah thanks! I needed to learn about IV's too. Thanks alot! I'll rep if I can
Ayo said:
Its pretty hard to explain and i have broken it down as much as i can, so im soz but i guess u cannot understand it.

theres nothing wrong on what you explain ayo, its actually good, but this might help with IV's

you can easily find IV's if the pokemon is lvl 1, or untouched (could be caught in wild) then just go find a partner to do IV battle and know how IV battle works. then once battle starts summary the pokemon and records its stats at lvl 100(from hp - speed). then use the serebii IV calculator if your too lazy to calculate yourslef.

note: its hard to find IV's of a train pokemon specially if you dont know the effort values of that pokemon on their stats. if you look for its IV's it will most likely turn to 31 if you dont put the EV on it in the certain stats. (hope makin sense).

well im just too bored and post what i know lol i think its pretty much the basics.
kyouh said:
theres nothing wrong on what you explain ayo, its actually good, but this might help with IV's

you can easily find IV's if the pokemon is lvl 1, or untouched (could be caught in wild) then just go find a partner to do IV battle and know how IV battle works. then once battle starts summary the pokemon and records its stats at lvl 100(from hp - speed). then use the serebii IV calculator if your too lazy to calculate yourslef.

note: its hard to find IV's of a train pokemon specially if you dont know the effort values of that pokemon on their stats. if you look for its IV's it will most likely turn to 31 if you dont put the EV on it in the certain stats. (hope makin sense).

well im just too bored and post what i know lol i think its pretty much the basics.
Always make sure you record there Nature beforehand!
PokeChamp said:
Always make sure you record there Nature beforehand!

not really coz most people i know that breed a certain nature for certain IV's. but yeah if your checking different nature i guess record the nature too lol.
kyouh said:
theres nothing wrong on what you explain ayo, its actually good, but this might help with IV's

you can easily find IV's if the pokemon is lvl 1, or untouched (could be caught in wild) then just go find a partner to do IV battle and know how IV battle works. then once battle starts summary the pokemon and records its stats at lvl 100(from hp - speed). then use the serebii IV calculator if your too lazy to calculate yourslef.

note: its hard to find IV's of a train pokemon specially if you dont know the effort values of that pokemon on their stats. if you look for its IV's it will most likely turn to 31 if you dont put the EV on it in the certain stats. (hope makin sense).

well im just too bored and post what i know lol i think its pretty much the basics.
i dont mean to b rude but i wrote that on an earlier post
Ayo said:
i dont mean to b rude but i wrote that on an earlier post

i didnt look the earlier or other post for real, i just wrote what i know, and if you already wrote then, no problem. lol the credit all goes to you then.
This right here
Hurts my soul....
I Wanna know!!!

I am not a greedy soul, but really, it would be so nice to have something like that, that I only need to EV train, not breed natures or anything crazy...just do it and be done.
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i need help on the game
wit the girl who lost her hotel key by the beach
where is that key i cant find it
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It is close to the entrance of the hotel.

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