Official Q & A Thread

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  • #153
I'm not a mod. I do not have a mushroom. I can't open and close threads. Just the mods and admins are watching at us closely.
Chicagoan said:
I'm not a mod. I do not have a mushroom. I can't open and close threads. Just the mods and admins are watching at us closely., looks like the mods are trying to find something bad in the pokemon section and kill it:sick: i have a good feeling the mods don't like the pokemon section :lol:
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  • #156
They do, but there is a lot of bad stuff sround here, as for examplo, a very phew amount of people seeked my rules on the trading thread
gbj153 said: guys haven't answered by questions yet.
whats a good counter for pokemons like
electravire:elemental punchs, earthquake, max speed
Porygon:Max speed and sp.attack
togekiss:max def, sp.def, and sp.atk

Also is chicagoan a mod now? because it looks like he can open and close threads :D
Is this mainly for my sake, you just named half of my team gyeong T.T
WuddlePook said:
Is this mainly for my sake, you just named half of my team gyeong T.T
lol, so can beat you! :D
I have a question, these are the moves my snorlax is FOR SURE going to have: body slam, rest, and sleep talk. The other move, should I teach it either earthquake, ice beam, or crunch? It has ice beam because it just got bred by a male
Slimi said:
I have a question, these are the moves my snorlax is FOR SURE going to have: body slam, rest, and sleep talk. The other move, should I teach it either earthquake, ice beam, or crunch? It has ice beam because it just got bred by a male
ice beam is good, it can cut down alot of OUs earthquake for electravires, there arn't very many ghost/psys people use(exept starmie) so go with ice beam :D since most peeps have a garchomp in their team
Slimi said:
I have a question, these are the moves my snorlax is FOR SURE going to have: body slam, rest, and sleep talk. The other move, should I teach it either earthquake, ice beam, or crunch? It has ice beam because it just got bred by a male
dont use ice beam, use yawn. trust me. ice beam sucks on a snorlax. its sp atk is too low.
Reaper12324 said:
dont use ice beam, use yawn. trust me. ice beam sucks on a snorlax. its sp atk is too low.
thats what I was thinking, plus, I already EV trained it in attack......and I don't really like yawn, takes too long, I think I'll go with earthquake
can anyone revive the breeder's thread? when you get any pokemon with any nature and any egg moves
Slimi said:
thats what I was thinking, plus, I already EV trained it in attack......and I don't really like yawn, takes too long, I think I'll go with earthquake
I'd rather go with yawn, but since you already ev trained it eq is good, you already got body slam. Or you can rebreed and get Zen Headbutt, rollout... Ionno
WuddlePook said:
I'd rather go with yawn, but since you already ev trained it eq is good, you already got body slam. Or you can rebreed and get Zen Headbutt, rollout... Ionno

yea yawn then giga impact! STAB lol j/k anyway ill go with like brick break or something =/ idunno

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