Official 'I got a Wii' thread

I went to ebay and bought one, un opened.

The shipping fee wasn't bad, the guy lived about 3 miles from us which cost us 253$.

It also came with Twillight Princess!

So, It was well worth not waiting in line I guess, if I couldn't get it from ebay I was going to wait in line.
Aloha, Just Got MY Wii The Other Night, how lucky I am! Question Is How Do I Get A Friend Code? I want to start having friends over.




Every Wii is already assigned a Friend Code, to find yours look at the cover of your Wii address book.
Got my Wii about 2 weeks ago
Got the standard pack ->
Console pack (1 remote + wii sports)
Extra remote (+ play)
Tiger Woods 2007

My 2 daughters (6 and 8 yrs) keeps kicking my ass at bowling, Ive got this wicked big hook problem, which they dont suffer from. Regardless of their wild delivery swings etc compared to my concentrated attempts at keeping the ball straight.

Managed to get around St Andrews in Tiger Woods in 67 strokes to date.
Got mine on 4/23 at Best Buy.
Got Wii Play for the 2nd Wiimote
And picked up Zelda this weekend.

Surprising thing is that my girlfriend doesn't like consoles but I think she is enjoying the Wii since she is picking out games for it!
Got mine's on 4/26.

I went to check to see how many Xbox 360 Elite my local Gamestop had to sell. Then I ask if they had any Wii in stock the dude was we just got some in, so I got the Wii instead of the Xbox 360 Elite.
I picked one up yesterday from eb games after failing to find one at Best Buy which is across the street.
My mom got one the tuesday after they came out at a Target in some podunk town.
I have never really been a gaming person I did a little in highschool but none at all in the three years Ive been in college. it was pay day and on a whim I was like "hmmm...maybe I should see if they have a wii?" and went to the gamestop nearest me. my first attempt to get one I was in luck and they had them. sold 50 within 45 minutes and I just happened to be there at the right time. nintendo really did something right this time! its amazing!
I defo wont stay over night for any console but i wud like to do it with some mates'd be boring if it was just me....well its nothin my psp cant fix...

anyway, I just walked it and bought it. Whereas game west pre ordered it 3 wees earlier and still bought it after me.
After trying all the Targets / Wal-Mart's I could see in the Atlanta area. I went to T-R-U of all places and they had like 5 or more!!!
After that i stopped at BB they had about 7 or so sitting out... My first Wi sightings woo hoo!!!!!
Couldn pass it up

Super Paper Mario
get it and amaze your friends!!!!
nintendo_wii67601 said:


Can Mods do something about this spammer?
My parents-in-law bought 2 Nintendo Wii from Air Miles club from Canada.
I didn't have faith in that program in the past....but they have massive credits from their business credit card.

We saw the ads from Air Miles saying you can trade credit for Nintendo Wii, and they went for it, it was back in early April 2007, they purchased 2 consoles. At the time, on the Air Miles web site, it showed Availability by May 18, 2007.
We received our Wii on April 30th, 2007!
i got it two days ago from best buy. went in kinda early and they only received 9. picked up the first one : )

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