Official 'I got a Wii' thread

Got Mine

Went in to Wal-Mart, Random purchase of potting soil, and decided to go to the electronics area, to my surprise one lady was buying one, and after venturing to the cabinet, surprise they had yet another one. I bought the last one of the two. Just was a lil lucky, but I think they are getting a whole lot easier to find perhaps.... It was also around 2:30 P.M. I hear they get them randomly.
It's amazing how life works.

I've been searching heavily for a wii now for about 8 days, and yesterday after calling and driving all over the place, I just decided that enough was enough and that I was going to stop wasting my time and wait until the summer, when there will probably be more Wii's available.

Well today I figured out that my friend's mother is a manager at Wal-mart, and I spoke to him, then her, and she told me they were going to receive a shipment today, and that she would put one on hold for me.

At 1 pm, I received a call from her saying that my wii was in the store, waiting for me.

And now the search begins for a nunchuck.... lol
hi guys, just finished reading this topic... interasting.. :)

i got my wii when it first came out by accident. i used to live in sweden (now in greece) and my phone rang, it was a friend saying that the wii shipment just came in and that he just got it... after a couple of minutes he calls again saying he has one more wii on hold for me. so i got it :D think i was one of the first people to get it... lucky huh?
I picked one up at Costco today. It's a bundle (Wii console, Zelda and extra Remote) for $329. Not too bad, although I would have preferred a different game.

FWIW, go to and look for your locations by zip code or otherwise. Call the "Membership Desk" listed (not the general number) at a warehouse near you. You may need to try a few - some clerks are more helpful than others. Ask them to check item number 200620, and whether they have any or anyone in the area has any. The first one I called said no one had any nearby, the next one I called pointed me to a nearby store (La Mesa, CA) that showed having 4. Call the store that says they have one and ask them to verify it. When I got there there were 2 left - I was tempted to grab them both! Good luck!
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tankdogg08 said:
my wii doesnt light up blue around the disc drive what can i do?

They don't by default. The only time they DO light up is when you have Wiiconnect24 & standby connection enabled and you recieve some sort of message or update while you're away. You need to get some friends added before you'll see much action out of that. IMHO that's a tremendous waste of a pretty blue light... It will also quickly blink when you first turn on the console.

Go into settings -> Page 2 -> Wiiconnect24 -> Set the first two options to "on" and most people set the third option to "bright."
I can't believe I never posted here...

Wii obtained: Feb. 3, 2007

So, after looking for a Wii since November, I decided to wait until after Christmas to get one. I thought the rush would be over, I was wrong, after hours of calling local gaming stores and larger stores (Best Buy...) I still was out of luck. Now my grandparents (in FL) were also looking for 1 for me (it was a late Christmas gift) and had no luck either. But, one day (January 31) my grandpa called Wal-Mart and they said they had 2 left...2! So, my grandpa asked if they could hold one for him, he'd be there in 30 min. He went, picked it up and shipped it up to CT. A box came in the mail on Feb. 1 (pretty quick eh) and my mom put it in the closet and said it was jewelery for her. 2 days later, she took it down and I opened it up....I nearly fell out of my skin. I called them and said thankyou over 20 times. I went over and hooked it up in about 30 minutes, the played for the rest of the day.

Well, that my Wii story.
hi folks!!!!!
this is my 1st post on here.ive had my wii since febuary i didnt go on it that much at 1st but now ive got used to it im loving it and im totally hooked!!!!!!!
So i waited for about three hours infront of circut city 2day and i got a speeding ticket for twenty over (i was in a rush...haha) but i was number ten in line for a voucher and they only had ten in stock. When all was said and done i had a Wii. :smilewinkgrin:
Got my Wii yesterday. Had some trouble getting the controllers to work but they did and it was plain sailing from then on!

Had absolutely no trouble whatsoever connecting to the internet (which I thought I would have). After updating the Wii I went straight to the Virtual Console and downloaded F-Zero. Very happy indeed!
Got mine on Sunday (April 22nd, 2007) because of the tip I found on this forum.
So, I figured I would sign up.

I did the Circuit City thing, sent my girlfriend to one store and I waited at another. We both got a ticket and I gave one to a friend', who bought the Wii for her husband's birthday. We had a Wii-B-q that night and gave him his Wii.

I have 4 controllers and chucks. I bought the colored battery cover replaces ments, so the main two controllers are pink and blue and the guest ones are grey.
I got mine yesterday (4/24) my husband got it from was the LAST was like 10 am...they only got one in that day and he went and go it for me...i came home from work and seen it and hit him upside the head cause he called me at work and said he couldnt find one anywhere all day...freakin lier!...LOL but i still love him!....ha ha!

Thats my story!

I got mine sunday 4-22. It is the greatest thing ever. Wii sports is sweet. Ive been looking for one for like a month now. I was just going to wait till they were on shelves, but that never happened so i went toys R us 2 hours b4 they opened and they had 51 of them. If anyone wants a wii Toys R us has gottem on sundays. You dont have to wait 2 hours. i was way early.

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