No longer a zelda fan

man i've been playing since snes mario bros but when comes to phantasy i love decapatation i dont mean gore with the brains hanging out. Zelda was fun on my 64 & that one zelda link to the past but its got me tired i needs some lively msybe pastel coloring
I can never find a fault with the legend of Zelda games, probably because im a fanboy for them but aside from that, whats there not to like, my favourite 2d Zelda game is link to the past and 3d is Ocarina of time, but TP is great in its own right, the puzzles may be easier i think its great how the games are reminiscent of games past, its definiately unique in its own right, feels alot darker, the gameplays fun and the art style is amazing, personal opinion, it definately has not ruined the series. and i look forward to others to come.
No a longer a fan because of one game?

I've thoroughly enjoyed every title I've played, my #1 would have to be OoT. Mainly because thats what got me interested in the series (I was about 8 at the time) and then I continued to play from there and played old titles I missed from years past.

Twilight Princess is a great game, and was easy to an extent so I can understand some of the comments. But would an eight year old kid find it easy as well, cus' when I was playing OoT back then I didn't think it was all that easy at all.
Why hate on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess?

Even if they aren't your ideal Zelda game, that just means Nintendo needs to up their game a bit more in your opinion. Personally, the one game that introduced me to the Zelda series and is still my favorite one to date is Wind Waker because of the lovely soundtrack, the new environment and the fact that Nintendo ended up trying something new by doing the cell shading coloring which I thought lead to bright and cheery atmosphere in most cases. And Twilight Princess progressed the series along as well by adding different scenarios and more enhanced CG graphics, along with a interesting story. Although I do agree with you about the fact that Twilight Princess was exceptionallyeasy for a Zelda game that doesn't mean that you should just 'ditch' the series because it wasn't your cup of tea. There are surely going to be more to be released and maybe they'll be to your liking. I think the reason why TP/WW were a bit easier was because they were originally released for the GCN which was aimed to be more of a younger person's system. Now that the Wii has been out, perhaps the new Zelda will be a improvement?
after this game came out, i started losing interest with WW but this game really told me that this series is done with
its really a disapointment because since i could hold a controller Ive been playing Zelda games
the last released game from the series that was GOOD: Majora's Mask. in fact, it is my favorite.
I dont get why people love Twilight princess so much.:sick:
I totally agree.

The girlfriend Ive had for half a day just dumped me. Im gonna go kill myself.
I totally agree.

The girlfriend Ive had for half a day just dumped me. Im gonna go kill myself.

Suicide before E3 really?
Wait until the new Zelda trailer is shown at least.
In case anyone misunderstood, I was being sarcastic. I dont actually agree with him.

But I did kill myself.
I do think Zelda's games have become more and more "puzzlier" and less "action" every time.

I remember when I first got Ocarina of Time I thought: "I just wish I had more Stalfos to hit rather than puzzles to solve". 3D Zelda games gave a whole new meaning to blocking and charging, but unfortunately, I do think there is a need for a couple more enemies and a couple less puzzles.
i find it sad that you called wind waker a kiddie game, it did have childish looking styles, but it was just beautiful once you looked past that, and TP just has an amazing storyline and beautiful scenery and stuff, it was a little easy but it did have plot twists and turns, why cant you love it for what it is, and not just for 'how easy it is'?
Have to say, I cant really decide wether I liked TP or not. I mean, the graphics were breathtaking and the plot impressive. Just what I look for... In a good anime or, well, book. For me it felt a bit like one of those games for little kids were you push the green button to hear the next part of the story, just reworked into a more adult package, not really like a properly challenging game.

I liked WindWaker on the other hand, after I got over the initial shock of what they'd done to poor Link, that is :p
It kind of has the very opposite qualities compared to TP. It looks just like a game for little kids but the game is swamped with puzzles, loads of monsters to whack, and more side quest and things to do than one can count. Not to mention a plot so twisted it borders on the ridiculous...
Although I've watched my kids (now all grown) play Zelda games on every Nintendo console made, I've never played one ... until today. I thought my first Zelda game would end up being Ocarina of Time, which I got via the VC for my new Wii, but I am still waiting for Amazon to deliver my classic controller, so the game sits patiently on the screen...

Today I bought Twilight Princess, and fiddled with it a little bit before dinner. Gorgeous... and it was the first time I'd used the nunchuk too. Felt very natural and although it took me forever to find my horse (ha ha ha), I think I'm catching on....

Now my only choice is whether to put TP on hold till the classic controller arrives and start with OoT or to go ahead and keep playing TP while I wait for the controller....

Either way, I'll be thinking of this new TP as just a jump forward in the technology of games in this series.

Try not to take such amazing blessings of technology and gadgets for granted, kiddos, okay? This stuff is all amazing....

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