My Zelda Impression


WiiChat Member
Jul 27, 2009
Well I just bought Zelda: Twilight Princess like 5 days ago.... I was really excited since I loved ocarina of time and majoras mask. I'm probably like 6 hours into the game and I just turned into link, and I am a bit bored. The game doesn't have the same feeling as OOT, Majoras Mask, or Phantom Hourglass. I don't really like it, but then I am only 6 hours into the game, just turned into link and started temples so it probably gets better (I hope). Maybe I expected too much of the game and got dissapointed, or it just gets better. I just couldn't stand being a wolf, and twilight..? That's not very good of storyline. (That's just my opinion for now, I've only done only the beginning of the game so don't go crazy with replies) But I have one question however, DOES IT GET BETTER LIKE I'VE BEEN READING :D!
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nah, its all more or less the same... but you will feel like you accomplished something when you finish it.

are you cheating with walkthroughs? that made it boring for me the 1st time i played it. levels should be easy enough to do on your own. sidequests are fun... collect bugs and get more bomb bags.
The game definately gets better. If you liked OOT you can't dislike this game. It starts off slow, but after you beat the first 3 temples the pace picks up drastically. Also, as stated above, don't use a guide or walkthrough unless you absolutely have to.

As far as twilight being a dumb idea, its pretty much the standard formula for a zelda game. Give it more time, you probably have at least another 30 hours of playing time.
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Thanks guys, it actually can be a sick game, I just need to get farther!
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Well boy was I wrong... I just kept playing zelda, and just finished the fire temple. This game is the sickest thing ever, except for the annoying thing of becoming a wolf a lot, but it isnt bad. It's incredible!
Lol yeah I liked OOt and Majora's Mask better lets hope the next Zelda is better.
Well boy was I wrong... I just kept playing zelda, and just finished the fire temple. This game is the sickest thing ever, except for the annoying thing of becoming a wolf a lot, but it isnt bad. It's incredible!

didnt wanna spoil it for u but after a while u get to turn from wolf to link whenever u want:wink:
this is very first zelda game i've ever played and i'm very impressed.

currently 13 hours into play at the moment on my third dungeon.

i came from a playstation background so i had to adjust with

nintendo's standard with graphics.

regardless, gameplay is definitely top notch for me.

the story is very deep in my opinion :) well worth the purchase for me.
Im just about to enter the Underwater Temple in that pond, loving it!
this game is what gaming is all about.
here's a warning for all of ya'll who haven't beaten the game as yet

If you thought the game is good, try playing it in Dolby ProLogic 2 it's something totaly different.

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