a new zelda with Majoras mechanic


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2006
Guadalajara, Mexico
Wii Online Code
It came to my mind the idea of zelda whit twilight like graphics but with the transformation hability fron majoras mask, the fact that link transformed into diferent charcters with diferent habiities was really amazins so shoud nintendo repeat this?? (of course with a new story)
HI Hdon't hthink tit hwould hbe ha hgood hidea - Difficult to read isn't it.

The great think about Zelda games is that each one brings a new aspect to the series. If it's not broke don't fix it.

How could you have a different story line if you're relying on the same principle for the game?
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well they repeated the use of magic items to create songs three times!! so why not, besides the base of the game is always SAVE THE PRINCESS
zorrilla said:
besides the base of the game is always SAVE THE PRINCESS

In LoZ MM, maybe you can let us all know which Princess you have to save.... As far as I remember you had to stop the moon crashing into the planet.
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in most of the zelda games, look at mario series they have the sme mechanic but a diferent story
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