Nintendo's Marketing Strategy...


Oct 16, 2006
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
I think I get it... They dont seem to be advertising that much, except on G4, and they say they will be the all around console for every targeted market. So right now, for launch I beleive, they are just letting word spread along the grapevine to the hardcore gamers, to keep them at bay, then let word spread form them into their families. Then a week or two later, youll have more customers wanting them...

sorry i can go into detail as much now, Im cooking macaroni and cheese and the water is boiling!!!!

not to mention how obvious it is with who G4 is backing up for this weekends console war... I mean, how many PS3 commercials have you seen compared to the Wii.... or maybe its just that the ps3 commercials scare me so much that my mined blocks them out, then floods with sunshine when I see a Wii commercial....
I have seen commercials on every major network plus Cartoon Network and Comedy Central. They are pushing the hell out of the Wii right now. Not to mention the Wii specials on MTv and of course G4. They are getting the word out to the common folk, not just the hardcore gamer.
IGN said:
Nintendo Wii is coming out in less then a week and will need all the ways to advertise it self to boost it popularity, but the head of Nintendo America Reggie, isn’t following the traditional way to advertise the console on TV as a paid advertisement. Reggie is finding way to market the console innovatively to match the consoles Innovativeness. It has been featured on the hit TV show south park where it was the focus off attention and this marketing strategy has paid off. The Nintendo Wii has been seen in magazines such as Wall Street Journal, made People magazine's Style Watch gift guide issue, was the focus of attention on BusinessWeek article and had also featured in other magazines.

All this hype and anticipation of this console without a single TV ad, this could marketing strategy could make Nintendo Wii one of the most anticipated consoles ever but Reggie business strategy has been questioned but he stays optimistic and in an recent interview said "(Our competitors) will see our results, and they'll see how much of a challenge and dogfight this new era of gaming will be.” I don’t think Microsoft should be taking Nintendo so lightly, eh?

I correct myself. The ads I saw were made by the publishers of the actual games, not Nintendo themselves. Nintendo is taking a different route for marketing as you can see from the IGN article above.

Another good article I found about Nintendo's marketing strategy for the Wii below.

Few weeks before the launching of its game console Wii, Nintendo is executing some marketing strategy that is quite unusual for a video game company. The New York Times reports that the company has taken Wii to Life@50+, an annual event sponsored by AARP.

Two points that Nintendo tries to sell: (1) If you know how to make card games, you can play Wii. Its game control is more natural than which of its competitors. (2) Nintendo games such as Brain Age are not only fun to play, but also they can exercise your mind and help to improve brain functioning.

+1 point for the Nintendo’s marketing team.

It’s smart for Nintendo not to directly compete with Sony PS3 and Microsoft XBox for the hearts of hard-core gamers. According to market research, the video gaming market size has grown very little in the past few years, which means everyone who want to own and play video games have already bought and decided on their favorite game consoles. In order to break into the market, Nintendo must seek market shares from a completely different angle. Attracting casual gamers such as professional, party gamers, families and active adults is what Nintendo tries to do with the game console Wii.

In the few months, we will know whether the company’s strategy will actually pay off. Regardless what that result might be, I said Nintendo’s new business model and marketing has worked on me. I haven’t been that much excited about a video game console in years. My previous game console was PS1, and I haven’t been actively playing video games for more than 6 years. Nevertheless, I plan on camping outside BestBuy on Nov. 19, 2006 to buy a Wii.
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yup the comercial premier on wends during dancing with the stars and again on mtv on thursday.

seen it bout 3 times only.
ps3 about 20 already! each
I watch quite a bit of TV every day and I've never seen any Wii commercials...only Call Of Duty 3 which isn't a Wii commercial, it is just a commercial for Call of Duty on all platforms.
the_peripheral said:
I watch quite a bit of TV every day and I've never seen any Wii commercials...only Call Of Duty 3 which isn't a Wii commercial, it is just a commercial for Call of Duty on all platforms.

I've seen a COD3 commercial made just for the Wii. As well as a Red Steel commercial and a few other Wii games. And i've seen those quite a few times on many different networks. It seems publishers are pushing the games for the Wii but Nintendo themselves are taking a different route in the marketing arena.
I saw the Red Steel a few times last night. Good stuff. I love the little Wii symbol at the end with the bowing I's. Go Nintendo!

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