Nintendos' E3 Press Conference Discussion Thread

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  • #76
Seriously though, we haven't seen a good Starfox since the N64. What gives?
OK to recap for those not watching.

A few new jRPGs are coming. GOLDEN SUN for DS being the highlight.

A new 2D mario for Wii thats 4 player and that looks mildly promising...

Mario Galaxy 2, that looks EXACTLY the same as Mario Galaxy but features some use of Yoshi.

Too much focus on casual games, and embarrassing 'female' games.

Yet another new Wii attachment that monitors heart-rate?

A 2D Metroid for Wii that could be awesome, and looks nice.

Motion Plus we know, WiiResort we know, Conduit we know, Red Steel 2 we assumed, they showed nothing anyway.

And a waste of 1.5hrs.

I'm off to bed to get 2.5hrs sleep before first day back at college. >.<
Sounds mostly crap. I'm looking forward to that Mario Galaxy if it's not just a remake of the first one with Yoshi, and I welcome a new Metroid (I'd prefer a 2D one, but it's not like I'd pass on a new 3D one).
Mario Galaxy 2 and the new Metroid sound interesting. Everything else is just blah.
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  • #79
Look on the bright side, atleast we have something remotely interesting this year. Last year was much worse.
They'll never surprise us with Kid Icarus anything.
Nintendo needs to step up and produce good games for Wii, we are the laughing stock of the next-gen console family! But the Wii has soooo much potential, Nintendo just needs to exploit it!
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  • #82
Nintendo needs to step up and produce good games for Wii, we are the laughing stock of the next-gen console family! But the Wii has soooo much potential, Nintendo just needs to exploit it!
If you weren't impressed by the new Metroid screen shots then you should just give up. That game looks EPIC.
The New Mario for the Wii looks good to me. My only dissapointment will be if its not online, and i dont think its ganna be. Hope im wrong.

MG 2 looks awesome. The first was great.

And Metroid looks sick, just sick....[video=youtube;4CWDf9_nDQw][/video]
Here's Nintendo's Press Kit material with images and video
Login with name: E32009
and password: nintendo
(those are both case sensitive)

(don't worry, this isn't some secret Nintendo site, it was publicized in a Nintendo press release, including the login info)
Couple of optimistic thoughts (then the slagging off can continue full steam ok?) .. .. .. ..

First .. .. Mario Galaxy 2 and another 2D Super Mario? Sounds good.

Next .. .. .. Metroid? Sounds good too

Last .. .. .. anyone remember the great game announced at last year's E3? Animal Crossing. Either there are no great games again this year or Nintendo will announce them at another industry meeting (I think they did that last year didn't they?)

Oh and Natal? Didn't Prinny start a thread about a device for a PC that detected motion in exactly the same way (down to the hand position for driving games) a while ago.. .. .. .. might have been lost in 'the troubles' but I'm sure I remember seeing it.
To say I am disappointed with Nintendo would be a huge understatement.

Personally I think they had a FAR better showing than last year.

Sure, Project Natal looks amazing, but come on Nintendo - they can't just sit back and pretend that the Wii still suffices. It doesn't.

Well, from a sales point of view, it more than suffices. There's no need to go to a next generation Wii while the current is still selling like gangbusters. Especially during a recession where people aren't going to want to shell out a lot of money for a Wii 2.

I have no doubt that Microsoft will come out tops in this.

Nintendo's lead gets larger and larger each month. I don't think there's been a single month where the 360 outsold the Wii.
As for motion control, I think what Sony showed off is more useful from a gaming point of view, even if not as technologically impressive as what Microsoft showed off.
Not turning up to E3 would of been better than last year...

This year was meh but not absolutely abysmal.

Sony and Microsoft def won me this e3 by miles.