i0n :eek: Apr 30, 2006 2,457 96 UK May 9, 2006 #1 Nintendo had their first major press conference at E3 earlier today, lets use this thread as a news round-up for all the key news. I'll get it underway once i've digested the massive amount of news from today
Nintendo had their first major press conference at E3 earlier today, lets use this thread as a news round-up for all the key news. I'll get it underway once i've digested the massive amount of news from today
E Evil Panda WiiChat Member May 9, 2006 32 0 May 9, 2006 #2 E3 2006: Nintendo Conference Reports: http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/706/706158p1.html Enjoy ^_^ Well, that is it for today. Seriously can't wait for the Wii to come.
E3 2006: Nintendo Conference Reports: http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/706/706158p1.html Enjoy ^_^ Well, that is it for today. Seriously can't wait for the Wii to come.
OP i0n :eek: Apr 30, 2006 2,457 96 UK May 9, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #3 After todays conference Nintendo confirmed the titles that there will be 27 playable demos at this years event, they include: Super Mario Galaxy Wario Ware Fire Emblem Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Zelda: Twilight Princess Excite Truck Red Steel Wii Sports Sonic Wild Fire And apparently this doesnt include some demos of games using the Wii's Virtual Console.
After todays conference Nintendo confirmed the titles that there will be 27 playable demos at this years event, they include: Super Mario Galaxy Wario Ware Fire Emblem Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Zelda: Twilight Princess Excite Truck Red Steel Wii Sports Sonic Wild Fire And apparently this doesnt include some demos of games using the Wii's Virtual Console.
P Psycotronic WiiChat Member May 10, 2006 26 0 May 10, 2006 #4 http://www.gamespot.com/wii/index.html this site has everything you need to know to keep up with wii news
http://www.gamespot.com/wii/index.html this site has everything you need to know to keep up with wii news
J Jester WiiChat Member May 9, 2006 11 0 May 10, 2006 #5 Exciting day today, im sure i heard there's gonna be a playable Zelda demo wahooo.
T tuned 11.19.06 May 17, 2006 324 0 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. May 20, 2006 #6 The Wiire's conclusion of E3 2006. here Great summary page with all their coverage! (videos, etc)