JKill09 said:I don't understand the hype with voice chat. I couldn't care less about it. Voice chat is like using a cellphone, which I'm not crazy about. I rather text on my phone than talk because it's faster. Way I see it, voice chat has more negatives because a lot of people aren't "friendly". New SSBB tactic: Put a speaker playing loud music next to the mic and fight. Soon enough, the other players will get annoyed and you'll win.:lol: That's not a big deal to me
New franchises are key. I'd like a new Luigi game. I'd like a new character also. The N64 introduced Waluigi and he's become popular, so how hard would it be to throw overalls over a different colored shirt and give 'em a name? Hm, we'll see. So far I'm pretty happy with my Wii.
Strikers gave me a sports game.
NoMoreHeroes gave me a 'mature' game.
SuperSmashBrosBrawl gave me a fighting game.
FireEmblemRadiantDawn gave me a 'tactical' game.
I like the variety personally. That's just my honest opinion.
There's only positive and no negatives when using voice chat because all the negatives can be easily removed with a simple mute.