Nintendo Wii Colors Question

I want:
1. White
2. Silver
3. Black (even though I don't want the same color as my PS2)

and of course I will get all matching controllers (wiimotes) and accessories...I don't want to mismatch and have my new system look all thrown together.

I guess someone could make a rainbow one, with all different colors, or blue and red mario colors and stuff...but that would require too much planning.
Hey i just thought i would point that the phrase looking at a light green wii ever timed i played would make me sick to me is hillarious or could be that today is a very slow indeed pick either one

nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
damn those are some nice machines...silver is the sexiest one there...i like the black and yellow too tho.
ssbb_lover said:
plus would u want to look at a limegreen wii everytime u play? I would get sick of it.

White for me, to match my DS lite. Black is my second choice. Plus, you don't really look the Wii when you're playing it. :p
nintendo lover said:
it is not yellow it is lime green
sorry im partly color blind and get yellow and green mixed up among many other that lime green one is nice too tho even though its not yellow.
White for me, to match my DS lite. Black is my second choice. Plus, you don't really look the Wii when you're playing it.
But everytime u went to turn it on u would c that limegreen color, w/ a matching limegreen controller. Believe me, u woud get sick of it....