Wii Console Colors


Jan 8, 2007
Dallas, TX
There was an update in December about new colors this year, but I've never seen a specific release date. Does anyone know when they should be released?

I'm still looking for a Wii so it might be worth waiting if they come out next month.
I don't know when exactly, but I would think it would be farther away then next month. It might not be, though. But I've read tons and tons of Wiinformation, and I've heard nothing about it, which leads me to believe that it's not going to happen any time soon.
i hope they also bring new wii remotes in colour ( even the nunchuck ) as

seen on commercials on youtube
Yeh i would love to be inverted lol i want a black wiimote with my white console.
i havent heard either, but idk, im not gettin one n e wayz, ill jus go buy a skin!
im happy with my white wii, it matches my DS lite and psp perfectly.
Yeah! i think you should seriously wait for the color ones to come out.. its a better chance. but if you do wait, go really early. because yah know? its colored Wii's and people who want Wii's dont have them.. so there are gonna be TONS of people there.. [whenever the Color Consoles come out] :] Good Luck Mister.

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