Nintendo Wii Colors Question

The good thing for nintendo is that they can even have diff. colors, aren't the 360 & PS3 stuck w/ black? Or does the 360 come in white too?
Supermariomp3 said:
i hope they come out with skins you can buy so you can stick to your wii. I would totally get a army camouflage skin

Skins would be nice (I'd like wood-grain myself, like this xbox 360 one), but what about the following case replacement kits, in Wii form of course?



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Would wood (I did that on purpose) look odd, it's a piece of technology, not a hunk'o'wood. Plus it's just not very appealing 2 me. I would rather have a standard color or one of those c through one's u've got displayed rite there.
It would be pretty cool to have a clear covered wii
white is the way to go, besides I have a PS2, so I'm ready for a change of pace...and color. But really, it's the games that count...not what color the box is. lol...I think colors are cool, but I'd take the standard because a wii is a wii
splatter said:
So is it true that black wiis are larger than white wiis?



I am definatley getting a Black Wii. My order of preferance:

ssbb_lover said:
Would wood (I did that on purpose) look odd, it's a piece of technology, not a hunk'o'wood. Plus it's just not very appealing 2 me. I would rather have a standard color or one of those c through one's u've got displayed rite there.

I'm not sure; It may just look good on that Xbox360, but since Wii is sort of boxy, although a good kind of boxy, in shape, maybe it would simply look tacked on. The neon blue slot might look out of place. I just like wood-grain because it reminds me of the 70s and the Atari 2600.

I was gonna post the following case kits aswell, but it limited me to 3 or 4, so here are the other 2:



I'm sort of leaning towards the chrome one, if only they would make it a dark-chrome, like this robot-head-thingy:


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