Nintendo is giving the Wii, DS, and other Retro Systems the "cold shoulder"...



Gawd no one can tell you that 6x8=48 off the top of the head anymore. That's what cell phones are for.

I have to read a book every now and then just to see something called GRAMMAR!

... To be fair, to this day I've yet to memorize times tables; ignored it in school (just like cursive :D), I just did all the maths in my head. I was always a few grades ahead in terms of math skill, so it's not like it mattered either.

... Nor did I pay any attention in English class, since all we ever did was read books that were too boring and simplistic. Never did we learn the finer points of grammar; I learned nigh-all that I know on my own (long before I was out of elementary school) in regards to lingual skills and grammar.

Point being, most schools' curriculum are piss-poor in either material or teacher. Modern day everything supports lower-than-average intelligence, and thus, we get the lazy generation. It's not the fact that every generation gets worse; it's the fact that technology is getting better.

Ah, the 21st century. How on earth will they manage themselves?

We won't; machines will run our lives for us. Literally. If you think smart phones are excessive, wait until cars drive themselves, food cooks itself, and the world is a utopian mechanical civilization that automatically produces it's own resources, and everyone has all the free time in the world to let robots and programs do everything for them.