I played the Wii at Nintendo World Store @ NYC!!!

COLDshiver said:
No, it wasn't on. There were plenty of other lights though, blues and whites everywhere:


update on the images:

Turns out i have 80 images and it's going to take a very long time. I guess i'll do it in phases. I'll start with pictures of interest first and post them up. Then i'll post others asap. After they're all up, i'll stick them in a gallery.

Also: Sry about the image quality. I though they looked pretty good on the screen of my camera but when i viewed them on my computer, it's not all that great. They're not horrible (as you can see above) but still not that pretty.
i wish i was there, nice pic.
Where in Manhattan did they open it? I work there so it should be an easy sub ride. I would love to stop by and try out the damn Wii.
only 32 days for me in the UK! :smilewinkgrin: Wont it be amazing when we will be able to play this non-stop on launch day? I dont think ill be able to come on here after the 19th, listening to everyone with their wii's... And i have my mock exams starting three days after launch... Ah, well... Im sure failing wont be that bad.
ABC said:
I would love to stop by and try out the damn Wii.
Sure, if by "stop by" you mean "make a day out of waiting in line to play it for maybe 15 minutes":crazy:
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Where in Manhattan did they open it? I work there so it should be an easy sub ride. I would love to stop by and try out the damn Wii.
It's at Nintendo World Store. 10 Rockerfella Plaza and you could play Wii starting yesterday.

----------------------PIC TIME!!--------------------------


Also for left handed folks: My dad is left handed and he had no problem playing Wii Tennis :D Good news

Ok, my first batch of pics. My favorite ones and ones of interest along with my comments and description:

-Note: sry for the quality. i guess if you change the size of the pic to about 1 inch high, you get a really detailed pic lol

Omfg... the freaking long line. You can see the door a little further down with the window walls

A very tall man and another vew of the line:

My first glimps of a real life Wii box at their display window

My glimpse of inside the store: more lines :( Lucky bastards though

The door inside. So close!!!

The line to Zelda and other games. It starts on the bottom of the stairs and takes forever

Wii sports Tennis!

Wii sports warning sign lol!

Some wierd guy playing Wii boxing. Jk jk, it's me.

My Nintendo Wii guide who supported me throughout the boxing match lol. btw, of course all Wii units were manned

This lucky dude won the raffle. See the nintendo guy with the mic holding the gift bag?

A better view of the Wii in ll it's glory :D

A great picture of the Wii sports menu

After you pick the sport, you get to pick your Mii

After you pick your Mii, you confirm it

Left Handed Folks, even Nintendo is thinking of you ;) Here's the menu where you get to choose which hand you use

Because the Wii thinks it's the same person playing the Wii for 5 hours: at least they have safety first

Some Wii Baseball!! THe versus screen;

Some Zelda for ya

A closer look of zelda:

Another look of Zelda. Again, sry for the quality. If you made the image smaller, it looks better

A look at the line to Zelda+other games. The one closest is zelda and in the very back to the left are 3 other games (Rayman, monkeyball, excitetruck). on the right (off screen) is dbz

I think you all know who this is.....

The Wii shirt on the left and NES on the right

Some more zelda

The zelda+other games line. This is a little further up the line from the last pic
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A better picture of the 3 other games. Rayman on the left, monkeyball in the right, and Madden

The zelda line further up.

The line after i left at around 3pm. It has doubled :O

Manhattan at 3pm :)

I thought these signs were awkward. Should have taken a picture of me standing next to it :lol:

-End of Batch 1-
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Might I suggest a tripod, mate? I kid, I kid, thanks for all the pictures.
I wondr whta those two buttons on the right were on the Wii Sports Menu o:

The weight lifting one and the triangle...
lol ,hi cold shiver pics really gd looking at all of them. and really gd reiview i really want 1 now
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Yeah, it was really sensitive. The Wiimotes are pretty solid