Nights uses weather forecast

Axtlar said: say that and yet you have an avatar pic of a game like grand theft auto, that doesn't seem like fantasy, that's realistic crap that you can do in real life..if that weather feature doesn't make up for your "fantasy" then look at the damn graphics, art style and gameplay where you have an harlequin flying all over the worlds, you say that's not fantastical?

In a way GTA is realistic but its not every day you see some drug dealer stealing cars doing missions for people while you watch them complete a game.

I think that the weather feature would be great but as scofo said if it is rainy and dull out side and you want it to something else that would be quite annoying but it would be nice to include option to turn it on or off.
if it did have this feature then it'll always be cold, wet and miserable all the time - but then again i do live in Grimsby so......:rolleyes:
I cant believe so many of you object to things like this! Its innovative. Im going to purchase this on its realese date.
I'm not objecting i think it is great but what i am saying is that scofco had a point, it might be wet and miserable outside and you want to get away from that. Yes it is innovative and great but it would be nice to have an option to turn this off and on or even better once you complete the game a mirror mode where the weather and time would be opposite and that you would do the game from end to start, that would be quite weird:wtf:
It may be more fantastic on the Wii if it were raining... And I didnt say ALL of you, just so many of you
rainbows appearing after rain would be cool.

it just looked like your comment was aimed at me tails:blush2:
No, at whoever else was not liking the idea. I cant change your feelings about the game, but if its misserable at your house, that doesnt mean that its going to be misserable on the game...I hate the sun, I wished I lived in Denmark, where it rains all the time
if you want rain go to manchester or north east england its like it never stops but recently we have had a bit of sun.
No...I guess I like what you might call "emo weather" its comforting to me, I hate the sun.. You should see my room "well, you cant, there are thick blankets on the windows so there is no light..." it hurts my eyes...

Most of the time i like sun but every now and agen i want it to be dark cause for some reason i like nights, nights are intresting
Sounds like English ppl have horrible weather, as for me I enjoy midwestern American weather so I'm all for this. gets the local weather? so its exactly what's going on at your house? that's kickass!!! but yea turning it on and off would be cool too even though i would always have it on, what if it is snowing at your house though? wouldnt it be hard to make it snow on a game since you would have to make it look like the characters are actually IN the snow aka snow in hair,clothes,footprints in the snow. it sounds to good to be true.
bubs said:
well think about it, you play Nights during the day, and the game is in daylight, if it starts to rain at your place... it might start to rain in the game, if it gets coudy or dark so will the weather in the game.... if thats not cool i dont know what is?

Like to see PS3 do that?

Don't worry they'll have it soon.

PS3 Guy: We have a NEW feature, You can now upload your weather outside onto our NEW game 'Guess the Weather'. Unfortunatly like all our games this will be going to the Xbox 360 too..

Seems cool anyways
omg this sucks we have a drought right now. I think I'll pass for animal crossing or nights atm. lol Everyone dies of thirst. I wish it would rain already!!!

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