Connecting Wii to internet


WiiChat Member
Dec 29, 2007
I am using a vonage phone router that connects to a wireless router. My Wii seems to be able to pick up the signal but it would not get updates for my hardware.

I have tried disabling MAC filter on my routers, change the channel on my router to either 1 or 11, change the MTU to 1500.

Here are my questions:

1) Has anyone encountered this problem before with the same setup?
Wii connect to Linksys wireless, linksys wireless connect to Vonage linksys phone router, vonage phone router connect to Time Warner Cable.

2) How does the Weather and News channel get updates? It seems that I can see the weather channel and also the news got some update once last night.

Any help is appreciated.
1. maybe your wii is already updated w/ the latest firmware
2. the news and forecast channel update automatically every 4 or 5 hours

can you connect to wii shop?
if you can, you have nothing to worry about
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ROB64 said:
1. maybe your wii is already updated w/ the latest firmware
2. the news and forecast channel update automatically every 4 or 5 hours

can you connect to wii shop?
if you can, you have nothing to worry about

No, I cannot connect to the wii shop.... I am not sure....are there any other channels I can get?
the only way you can get other channels is downloads from wii shop

sorry, i have no idea how to help since i'm no genius when it comes to wireless technology. some of the other members are...just wait and someone will help

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