

Sep 15, 2006
Wii Online Code
Gamespot said:
When the Wii arrives in stores on Sunday, it will do so without some of its promised functionality. Nintendo today announced that users looking to surf the Web, check the weather, or peruse the news on their Wii systems will need to wait a while.

The Forecast Channel, which will provide users with free constantly updated weather reports from around the world, will go live December 20. Information for the channel, which allows users to manipulate a 3D globe to find their forecasts, will be provided by Japan-based Weathernews.

That debut will be followed by the arrival of the Wii News Channel on January 27. Once live, the Wii News Channel will provide users with constantly updated headlines from around the world, courtesy of the Associated Press.

The Wii Web Broswer will also trail the system's launch, though it's not clear by how much. Nintendo said only that more information about the browser's availability "will be released in the coming weeks." The browser's developer, Opera Software, has said that it will be free to download until June 2007 and will be sold on the Wii Shop Channel after that.

As for the Wii Shop Channel, Nintendo says it will be up and running on day one, offering at least a dozen Virtual Console games for users to download. Gamers whose retro favorites aren't in the initial batch can take some comfort in Nintendo's announcement that new games will be made available on the service every Monday after launch.

Wow, that really sucks. Nintendo is screwing up the online portion of the Wii already. :incazzato: I knew this was going to happen.
oh well, its not really the main reason everyones getting the wii, its for the controller and the new gameplay pretty much. although it would be nice to have it day one but we dont and its not very important. (i dont think)
This is piss poor in my opinion.

I too sensed and feared this would happen. I've been trawling the Opera forums over the past weeks for more information on 'Opera 9 for devices' that's destined for Wii, and there's VERY little information out there. The only evidence of the browser in action so far seems to be the single same old clip showing Google, an Eastern culinery page and Google Maps.

I read Nintendo's statement as, "will only have half of the promised functionality at launch".

they do need to get their s**t together but I do trust they will get it up early 2007.
Um...I am pretty positive it has been mentioned in MANY MANY threads that the web browser will not be available on wii on launch. Anyone who thought otherwise, just wasn't informed.

In every thread where browsing has been mentioned it has been brought up that it won't be available on launch, so I am confused as too why people are dissapointed over something that should have been common knowledge.

p.s. buy a computer if you want a computer.
MetroidZ said:
I would rather have features that work good but come late rather than early and have problems. You know what I mean?

Ahh, some common sense is prevailing.

If you're spending your time reading the Forecast and the News on you're Wii, perhaps you shouldn't have gotten one?

Cable works just fine (better) for both of those.

Lack of browser is alittle sad, but that's been known for some time, and I personally don't really care. Theres 3 computers in my house, why do I need a 4th? I want a game console, and I'll get one November 19.
Seriously, it takes an assload of infrastructure (for Nintendo, at least) to support all the channels and online functionality. This news just backs up my theory that Nintendo rushed the Wii to launch to keep pace with the PS3.

Personally, I'm looking forward to these channels, and this news isn't hurting my feelings; it will give me time to enjoy the other aspects of the Wii rather than being flooded with everything at once.

MetroidZ - I know exactly what you mean. My latest computer I built had to go through 3 revisions on the BIOS before it would work properly because Asus released a buggy product early, rather than waiting and working out the kinks first.
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Inspire said:
Seriously, it takes an assload of infrastructure (for Nintendo, at least) to support all the channels and online functionality. This news just backs up my theory that Nintendo rushed the Wii to launch to keep pace with the PS3.

Exactly. Nintendo has always made online gaming an afterthought... but it doesn't work like that anymore, no matter what kind of technology you put inside your console, there needs to be ONLINE gaming to have that lasting factor. The novelty will wear off soon unless you can play against other people... that's what makes the XBox 360 so amazing. All I am saying is this info is unfortunately proving my point.
Remember that Microsoft took awhile before they got online play on the xbox. By the time they got to the 360, they had it perfected.

I kind of expected Nintendo to take awhile to get the online component worked out. But, you're right, if they don't do online right, they're toast.
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wiiCrazy said:
On a good note though, at least it gives us something to look forward to! (?)

:lol: That is definitely a positive way to look at it. I am just really hoping Nintendo pulls the online side together. I would love to see a Mic for the Wii too. There would be NOTHING like trash talking or talking to your team while using the Wii's mad awesome controller. Please Nintendo pull it together.
The funny thing is I don't think perfection is important in launches anymore. 360 with it's heating problems, PS3 had a few problems with Cells and shifted their allocations. Nintendo's problem with their online stuff. Just kinda sad that things like this keep happpening to all console launches. While I don't expect all things to go just right, I kinda do want game companies to start following through it would be refrehing to again have a console come out that delivers what's promised... and I agree that Nintendo can't drop the ball on online play, not that it'd be the end of Nintendo if it took another console to get to it but now's the time to start geting on it, same goes for their graphics.

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