New Pokemon game announced, WTFs ensue

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  • #31
^ Has already been covered by yours truly.

Can't let everyone start beating me to the Pokenews lmao. My Pokenerd pride won't let me allow it.
Simply put if it doesn't appeal to you don't get it. They still have regular Pokemon games coming this one wont ruin anything. God knows some of their others didn't. Only reason I haven't traded in guardian signs yet is cause im having trouble bringing myself to play through enough to get the special event ones to transfer from it before I unload it lol. Really regretting that game.
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  • #33
Really regretting that game.

Pokemon Ranger; old after the first one. :lol:

From what I've read 'bout the game, Conquest is gonna be like Mystery Dungeon: definitely a spin off that has no relation to the typical Pokemon RPG-ery, but definitely good as well.

If I end up likin' the game, I wouldn't mind if the rest of Nobunaga's Ambition came stateside.
If I end up likin' the game, I wouldn't mind if the rest of Nobunaga's Ambition came stateside.[/QUOTE] I loved nobunagas ambition back in the sneak days id love to see em stateside to japan gets alot of good stuff we don't. Maybe this one making it is a sign.
I think this game may be summed up by the first sound the voiceover produces... it sounds somewhat like 'nonsensical' to me...
That being said, it might be worth a go.
well this looks realy cool a pokemon stragey game :) if done well this could be the second best pokemon spin-off series(if the one is well recived you know they will make more) the best being mystery dungeon

Edit:well it may not be the same setting and the such but there will most likely be more strategy pokemon game spin-offs if it does well
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ugh i dont even care about this game. i just really hope there will be a sequel to pokemon white and black, then my life would be complete
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  • #39
^ ... BW2 was announced some time ago, bro. :lol: I made a thread 'round the same time too.

Though, you should give Conquest a chance. Not because it's Pokemon, but because it might be a legitimately good game. Don't brush it off just because it's a cross over with a series that is unheard of in the US; Pokemon wasn't US-made, after all. But you gave it a chance and ended up lovin' it, no?

I ain't tellin' ya to just up and buy it, I'm sayin' it'd be smart to look up reviews 'n such for it, look at gameplay trailers, etc. before casting it aside as spin-off garbage.
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  • #44
^ Lies and deceit.

Spin-offs usually fail if they're not given the same treatment as the main games they come from; which is to say, if they're made solely to make easy money by extorting fans, and were never meant to be A-list games. Conquest is not that sort of game, particularly since it's a cross over.
^ Yes but the main games always do better than the spinoffs
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