New Pokemon to be announced Sunday?


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
According to there is a new pokemon game in the works.

Pokemon Sunday cast

Looks like Square Enix isn't the only one gearing up for a surprise announcement this week. Rumor has it that a new Pokemon title will be revealed come Sunday.

The rumor comes in the heels of the announcement tha the upcoming CoroCoro issue will be featuring the next round of Pokemon titles. This time, though, the "shock announcement" will be happening on next week's Pokemon Sunday episode.
Via Tokyo-TV & Nintendo Everything
Wait, Square-Enix has a surprise announcement? I'm oozing with anticipation! :D
I've no idea why I didn't post about this on Friday, considering I'm the news authority on pokemon, lol.

Yep, another pokemon game. Not just one of those Ranger spin-offs already announced, but a full-blown cock-fighting-ball throwing-level grinding-RPG. The 5th generation of pogeymanz games are on it's way. Who didn't expect this, lol.

I'm always savvy for another pokemon RPG, but I'm not getting my hopes up for these, or atleast not yet. The originality's been drained out since nearly a decade ago, if they don't step up the formula I can't say I'll be as ecstatic as I was for Diamond and Pearl... Blah, I'm not going to enjoy saying there'll be 600+ species in a year or so.

By the by, if anyone's doubting these won't be the new pokemon we all know and (once) loved, there's already been two new pokemon revealed, and to my dismay a new movie to go with them. What movie is this now, 14 or 15? :lol:

Wait, Square-Enix has a surprise announcement?


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