New Pokemon game announced, WTFs ensue

It's obvious guys, this takes place in China during the Shang Dynasty, in which you are a small boy who's out to make his family proud with your lone Eevee that you magically found in the woods. However, along the way, you find two tribes rebelling, and you take it into your own hands to stop them.

Now, why they don't just use physical strength to beat you is another story.
Heh, I think this whole crossover game looks cool. I'm probably gonna end up buying it.
CoD is damn sure making an attempt though.... And btw... Wtf... This even perplexed me. The concept of it looks neat with the anime-esque styling, but if seeing that it could in fact be played like the Mystery Dungeon games.... Ehhhhhhh I did not enjoy them, so I cant say I would have any interest in it. As far as an anime sense goes, Id like to see them re-air the original season of pokemon. Ya know, Kanto times, back when Pikachu was getting owned by Raichu, Ash wasnt a complete saint in every episode because he had more faults that people can relate to, the gym leaders were'nt flamboyant tards and were actually intimidating, and Team Rocket wasn't bypassed as a threat and always passed as a joke in the lamest sense of every meaning of the word. Plus, the original Pokemon theme song was boss, along with the original Team Rocket motto. Old time Pogemanz ftw
The pokémon series died to me, yet I still love the older installments. If any franchise is milking anything it would be "Call of duty".

R.i.p pokémon, (1994-2004).
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What's that? Double post? Suck my fin.


Nobunaga's Ambition (in ironic timing to Bulbapedia's front page April Fools joke announcement) has been confirmed to be released stateside! =D Since the US knows nothing of Nobunaga's Ambition (yet...), the game will take on the simple name of "Pokemon Conquest".

Better yet, this announcement was made by the official Pokemon site. They even gave the official release date of June 18th. Good news indeed.

I probably will get it, since I'm always rarin' to find a good new tactical RPG.

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