*NEW* General Pokemon Chat

The_Loose_Cannon said:
i have a psp :sick:

i made a thread about possibly getting a DS because id like to hook it up to my wii in the near future. if i can do that then ill deffinitly consider buying one.

i am very interesting in getting wifi games and all that good stuff. but right now, ill deal with my PSP and whatnot :)

when wifi games become more popular for the wii, ill play you haha.
Forget the PSP, get a DS so you can play pokemon with us :D
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  • #68
somehow i dont see myself playing pokemon :sick:

i do call my dog pikachu because his name is chuchu. he likes that and hell kiss my nose when i say it in that annoying high pitched voice lmao
daNnYshoTs said:
Emma I PMed you ;)

hey I need a Stantler and Lunatone.
If anyone needs a breeder, here I am!! :smilewinkgrin:

I'll go wifi now, Matt

if u still need a stantler i could breed u one.

anyone got a regice to trade?
The_Loose_Cannon said:
somehow i dont see myself playing pokemon :sick:

i do call my dog pikachu because his name is chuchu. he likes that and hell kiss my nose when i say it in that annoying high pitched voice lmao

:lol: :lol: That's okay not all people like pokemon =P

Thanks term I still need one!
any1 else wat a pichu with volt takle i got 28

hey dann can u try to give me rep(anytime when i give people good poke i forget to tell them to give me some rep,ima give u some....
any1 qants shiny lucario or shiny flygon
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
somehow i dont see myself playing pokemon :sick:

i do call my dog pikachu because his name is chuchu. he likes that and hell kiss my nose when i say it in that annoying high pitched voice lmao
:lol: , im gona have to get you into it some how. Im sure you would love it, and im guessing your gona have SSBB, and pikachu is in that:lol:

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