*NEW* General Pokemon Chat

Slimi said:
no not really, general pokemon chat you talk about pokemon, same rules as the old one, do not stay that off topic about pokemon is one of the rules so yeah, about trading pokes is about pokemon, the loose cannon you should've quoted popert8's rules

But there is a thread specific for trading pokemon is there not?

We are advised to use the officials. . .
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Slimi said:
no not really, general pokemon chat you talk about pokemon, same rules as the old one, do not stay that off topic about pokemon is one of the rules so yeah, about trading pokes is about pokemon, the loose cannon you should've quoted popert8's rules

well i stole those rules that i posted below my mod notes from him on the original pokemon chat thread. if you can link me to the others ill edit the post and add them as well.

i have to make this a sticky and put it in teh official sticky thread.

thanks :)
its hack and impish(ment lv 4)tell me your shinys

edit i was typing to fast sorry
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Lol guys... you are posting unnecessary threads...

Don't speak junk... a pikachu won't breed with an ekans... neither a blastoise with a charizard... If you are unsure if a try can breed with a fish, you may:

1st - Go 2 school
2nd - If you keep thinking that a tree may breed with a fish, take your pokemon tree (like torterra) and your pokemon fish (Like Magikarp) put them in the care couple and ask the Old Man... he will know...
mushroomedmario said:
an ekans could breed with a pikachu.........


i wander who made these pokemon breeding rules

yeah its weird... snorlax could breed with lapras or turtwig :crazy:

ohh.. I already have a Quiet shiny Riolu.. I'm looking for a good natured one.
I have an EV'd Mewtwo lv72. I'll trade for another good EV'd.

ohh... hey reaper, there you are! I have a Naughty Kabuto. Awesome IV's.

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