Need Help? Come Here

guys im stuck on where u have to do the ice floor in the yati ruins do u guys no anthin about it im getting ticed of now:mad5: :sick:
Darklink775 said:
guys im stuck on where u have to do the ice floor in the yati ruins do u guys no anthin about it im getting ticed of now:mad5: :sick:
Could you detail a little more which "ice floor'; there's at least 3 rooms like that. See ya :p

help i can't find the grave-yard too find the zoras prince too get the earing too fish for the reekfish i think i might be stupid
ellaneedshelp said:
help i can't find the grave-yard too find the zoras prince too get the earing too fish for the reekfish i think i might be stupid
It's in Kakariko village, where you went to get the Zora Armour.
OH MAN iv been reading every one helping each other and i cant do that off the top of my head i need the game in front of me EEERRRG
im having trouble jumping over gates etc with the horse. is there a certain time you have to press the button to dash?
When you press the button, it takes a bit of time to get up to full speed, so if you are jumping, you will need to allow for that. You have to be at full speed to jump.
Later on you will ride another sort of animal that gets up to full speed straight away, but is then quite difficult to control.
Bulldogxx831 said:
AHHHHH I would be able to help you if you helped me. In the first temple after i just got the 3rd monkey now i need to blow up that rock. What do i do and how?
k, u gotta use the boomerang to hurl the bomb into the rock by targeting them both
SuperG said:
k, u gotta use the boomerang to hurl the bomb into the rock by targeting them both
At that time you can't use the boomerang becuase you won't have it then. you have to hit one of those spiders and quickly put your wepons away, pick it up and get to the rock and throw it.
Can not turn one the Big fan to get to Boss room !!!!!!!!I just got the boss key.
I m above the big fan room, I can see the golden globe, but no matter how , I can not reach it !
After I shutted down the fan from the key room I used the double-clawshoot targeting the small golden frame and descended till the end but still could get nothing !
Did I jumped any stage ?
Tksssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!
Hylian Pike

Hey, you said you could help and i'm having some real trouble catching a Hylian Pike. I want it to be able to get the Sinker Lure. If you know any tips on getting that fish i would really appreciate it.