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why cant u gyes thust answer my question and dont ansver guyes who asket after mee THATS UNFEAR!
New question: how do you get back to arbitors ground after killing the boss? I kinda missed a secret skill and probaly a piece of heart.
Ensemble said:
New question: how do you get back to arbitors ground after killing the boss? I kinda missed a secret skill and probaly a piece of heart.
If you went to the Gerudo mesa in the south east corner of the desert, you should have got a warp point there. If you didn't go there, why not try going back to the desert the same way that you went the first time?
lol u guys all sound so professional... ok i will try to word my problem the best i can.... so i'm in my dog form and i just got to death mountain... i have one more tear drop to get but im stuck. i tryed blowing up the bolders with the things that fall from the sky but i can't get them compleatly blown up... and i tried the other cave there and i dunno what the rock with the paw print thing is lol ... then i tried going back up and around but, well ya i can't haha HELP~!
Kelso said:
lol u guys all sound so professional... ok i will try to word my problem the best i can.... so i'm in my dog form and i just got to death mountain... i have one more tear drop to get but im stuck. i tryed blowing up the bolders with the things that fall from the sky but i can't get them compleatly blown up... and i tried the other cave there and i dunno what the rock with the paw print thing is lol ... then i tried going back up and around but, well ya i can't haha HELP~!
1. We are anything but professional. :p
2. It's a wolf, not a dog. :)
3. Don't worry about that "paw print thing", that's not part of anything important in the game.
4. I'm assuming you've found all the ones in Kakariko village? Make sure the dot is there on the map. Your goal is to reach that point marked by the map. Chances are, you have to go up, as in a little higher on the mountain if that's where it appears to be on the map. Hope that helps.
JamesHowlett said:
whats your question...

forget it i find it oute on the 3 day
but can u guyes who like to help take them who asket first?
i can't seem to get any higher tho... ya i got all the one in the village this is my last one to get... and i can see it on the map and i want to get around to it but i can only see 3 ways to possibly get there... one being through the paw print rock, 2 being though the bolders i can't break, and 3 being up and around but those stupid lil things that blow the smoke just knock me off so i can't pass lol. can u maybe move sideways while dangling from the side of a clif? haha i'm stuck :(
Hi, im stuck right before death mountain. I collected all the tears, but while a wolf I did not learn the howling trick, i missed it. Now that I have missed it, I haven't learnt the shield attack.

What do I do?
JayCully said:
Hi, im stuck right before death mountain. I collected all the tears, but while a wolf I did not learn the howling trick, i missed it. Now that I have missed it, I haven't learnt the shield attack.

What do I do?
You come back for it later. None of the hidden skills are necessary to complete the game, with the exception of the first one, which you get automatically. And you can always go back later to get the ones you missed, though you won't be able to at the moment.
Hi i'm stuck on the bit when your completed the game 3 times and your now getting very bored of it does anyone know what to do next. Minda is the Twilight Princess she tells you near to the end when you go to her castle before you fight Zant.