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Where are you at now?

Btw- I know your not here yet, but when you get to the last boss, save RIGHT BEFORE YOU OPEN THE BOSS DOOR. Trust me because it wont let you save after.
I suggest collecting all the bugs, and giving them to Agatha, before you get too far in the game. Once you give her all the bugs you ought to have a lot of money and a Giant Wallet which will come in handy for everything.
Cloudiski - Hint: Bring your lantern and some oil to the desert place, you will need it.

Also, in the south-east corner of the desert, kill the shadow monsters and get the portal, it will help alot.

And also, remember Eldin Bridge, its broken? Well that portal in the desert, you will see the part of the bridge beside it, so talk to Midna to warp it to Eldin Bridge to fix it.
Your going to have to warp to Zora's Domain then walk or ride on Epona there, I know its a pain in the neck.
Yes you do, then press A while on the boars to charge into the wooden barricades, causing them to collapse.

Be careful not to bump into anything while charging or you will get hurt.

Once in there, you will fight an ork with a giant axe, then you will enter the Ork Camp, where there will be tons of Orks (bows and swords). I suggest bringing the Hawks Eye Mask and lots of arrows.

You will need it. After all that, get the key then run up the stairs to Arbiters Grounds. (At the top of the stairs, turn and there will be a hidden Poe)
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Hello, it's me again...

I beat the middle boss after freeing up four monkeys and crossing the bridge. I quit the game after I saved it and now when I start it I am at the beginning of the temple. OK, I thought to myself, I will go and cross the bridge again using monkeys but I can't now :( The monkeys don't follow me anymore to help me cross over. What do do now? Do I need to cross it or I have to go elsewhere.
If the monkeys are not following you, it means you dont need them or your going the wrong way.
No he doesnt, once you have the boomerang the monkeys dont follow.

You know that.

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