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just noticed my question is the same as above... followed the Z pattern a few times but still does not open... what am I doing wrong?
You need to keep the target on. Once you have targeted one of the mills press Z (or C I forgot) to stay locked on and do the same with the other ones so it can hit them all in one throw. If that does not work, try doing the Z pattern the from the other end.
No matter what I do, I can't get out of the Forest temple. I tried looking for the compass but no avail. Wherever I try to go, I just go around in circles. Btw, I accidently slashed the bridge, does it make any difference?
davortech said:
No matter what I do, I can't get out of the Forest temple. I tried looking for the compass but no avail. Wherever I try to go, I just go around in circles. Btw, I accidently slashed the bridge, does it make any difference?

Regarding the slashed bridge go out of the temple and back in and see if this helps. If you have Occooco (check item screen for birdie) use her as its easier. Hopefully the bridge will re-appear. If not go to the second room (The room with 4 doors across non existant bridges. the monkeys will halp you swing across. Do you have the boomerang yet (so I can get an idea of where you are) and do you have any keys??
Well, if you are trying to leave, then just Quit, come back and you will be spawned at the entrance of the temple.

And no the bridge will not come back, but you just made a mistake because now you have to swim all the way there and it wastes alot of time. I know because I did that too Lol :p
Because I didn't know what else to do there. I can't get out anytime I want because I have Ooccoo, but don't know how to open the gate when I don't have a key and I took it but can't use it.
The gate with the big chest? Well buddy, first of all you need the Gale Boomerang from the Mid-Boss. Once you get that, you will notice 4 wind-mills near the big gate. Now look onto the ground and follow the pattern of the Z. Now aim and Z target all 4 mills to hit them all in one throw.
ahhhh i just began playing zelda twilight princess when i got a wii for my at death mountain next to the goron..can anyone tell me how to get the last insect?! im so stuckk
Ok i don't know if you can help me, i'm past the 3rd temple, but i have a slight problem. I saved the game(and i was in human form) and i started to walk and i got trapped inside a barrier with those 3 shadow beasts. The real problem is it won't let me morph into a wolf b/c someone is near by, so i can't kill them at the same time... and i don't have any bombs either :( If you have any idea as to how i can kill these beasts at the same time in human form, that would be much appreciated.
p.s. I have all of the weapons up to the ball and chain.
Can you help me? i am i kakariko village and there are four insects that i can not get. they are up opposite the hot spring. cheers.
Gamerhelp1 said:
Ok i don't know if you can help me, i'm past the 3rd temple, but i have a slight problem. I saved the game(and i was in human form) and i started to walk and i got trapped inside a barrier with those 3 shadow beasts. The real problem is it won't let me morph into a wolf b/c someone is near by, so i can't kill them at the same time... and i don't have any bombs either :( If you have any idea as to how i can kill these beasts at the same time in human form, that would be much appreciated.
p.s. I have all of the weapons up to the ball and chain.

You have to weaken them first and then kill them with the spin attack.

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