Need Help? Come Here

Dude I beat the whole intire game I just need 3more pole souls. Got all 9 dungunes got all 20 hearts defeated cave of ordeals. You can ask me anything about the game not just 3 dungens. Ask starting right now
Mini Boss In Goron Mines

When i have hit him in the belly he start to roll but when i can press grab, me and him falls down and i have to hit him in the belly agian and then the same thing happends.
Any idea about what I should do???
um. where is the walkthrough on this thing *checks over shoulder*
i saw one on here yesterday =[
you should hit him in the belly till he rolls up and then brace urself with the Z button. Then grab him with A and through him into da lava.
I am stuck in the very beginning. I need to ghet a fishing pole, a bottle for the honey bees, the cat, etc but im stuck....been in every house i can get in to, every part of every place that the game will let me venture to. Is there a key on top of that totem pole thing i need? I cant get on my horse because the kid is telling me it has the day off. IS there a bug???? I feel stupid but PLEAASE HELP
I don't mean to be rude or anything...
But why offer help when you only have the first 3 temples done?
There are 7 I think.
Finish game then help is my theory.
Not being mean...just...constructive critism:wink:
Stuck near the beginning and feeling inept

So for the record, the last game platform I owned was the N64 and I completely p0wn3d Ocarina of Time...
But I'm stuck after the monkeys run amok and the kids chase them and you have to go find all of them...there's that big ramp and then the couple jumps over the little platforms and onto the big stump, and then after that I can't make the next jump. But I'm not sure if I'm jumping at the right place, or even if I'm going the right way at all any more. Help!
I've owned an NES, SNES, Gameboy, and N64, and never had this much trouble this early on in a game before! And this is the only game I have for my new Wii, so being stuck on something as tedious as precision jumping is unbelievably frustrating, especially since the Zelda games are my favorite of all the Nintendo series and are much more fun once you get out of the forest in the beginning.
i just passed the 1st temple and it says to go west i go but there is no bridge what do i do?????
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ckit said:
i just passed the 1st temple and it says to go west i go but there is no bridge what do i do?????

where are you exactly? What says go west?

Are you leaving via the lamp guy sitting by a fire?

Walk into hyrule field and take the first left (I think).

If you are still having trouble post more info.
I have two problems. This takes place in the Lakebed Temple (Temple 3). One I have done what this guide says to get the last Piece of Heart before the Boss, but when I pull the lower western handle, the water doesn't actually flow to the western side, as I don't think any water is flowing from the east.

My other issue, is I can't find the Boss door.. I've looked through the dungeon complex a couple times now without any luck. I HAVE the Boss Key.

Quoted below is from the GameSpot guide:
GameSpot TP Guide said:
Piece of Heart?

Before you head into the boss’ room (the door to which is located at the base of the stairs in Room 3), you can track down one more Piece of Heart in this dungeon. Begin by heading to the lower western door in Room 3 and pulling down the handle. This will cause the water to flow to the western side of the area.

Head to Room 4 via the lower western door, and you’ll note that the bridge in the water has been fully raised. Cross it, then stand on the button amongst all the tiles on the ground. Clawshot your way past the gate before it closes to find your Piece of Heart.

Boss Fight: Morpheel

Head back to Room 3 and unlock the large door. You’ll have to dive into the water at the bottom of the room and swim to it, underneath the pivot that the stairs turn on. You can find a fairy in one of the jars above the hole you drop into. When you do drop down, equip your Iron Boots to fall allllllll the way down to the ocean floor.
god im stuck in the k village got epona went over he fence but died and it threw me back and im now stuck without epona how the hell do i get out

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