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I'm experiencing what i think is a glitch...Ive just beat the 1st boss in the forest temple but my remote isnt working properly...the nunchuck is fine bu the actual remote is going weird. the blue faiy thing on the screen works fine and all the buttons except + - and the home button. I can't use my sword with the remote either, just the nunchuck. anyone else have this problem??? how do i sort it out i cant save or use new item or anything. :( but like i said it works on my other games and on wii home?????????????????????????????????????????????? :'(
hey, u no in kakariko wen ur getting all the tears. well i gt them all except 1 the dot is there but its not there. Iv put the pic on ere and labelled it.It's at the entrance to where u go to the death mountaing bit.if u lk at the map of it wen ur in kakariko its the 1 nearest the top. Please helpppppppppppppppppppp ..x..x..x..


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I'm experiencing what i think is a glitch...Ive just beat the 1st boss in the forest temple but my remote isnt working properly...the nunchuck is fine bu the actual remote is going weird. the blue faiy thing on the screen works fine and all the buttons except + - and the home button. I can't use my sword with the remote either, just the nunchuck. anyone else have this problem??? how do i sort it out i cant save or use new item or anything. :( but like i said it works on my other games and on wii home?????????????????????????????????????????????? :'(
emm i have never heard of that but i think its nothing to do with the game because the wiimote does not corispond to the game in any way at all (apart from playing the game of course.)
Thorinir said:
to use the cannon put cannon ball in it then insert a normal bomb and it should blast the cannon ball out of the cannon
make sure to position the cannon as well! or you may aswell not touch it
helppppppppppppppp please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zelduke ne1 hus online please iv been stuck since last yr please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:aureola: what do you need help with?:aureola:
EDIT: ill help you because most peeps who say my name first time call me zeldake zelduk zeldukey etc:
ok emm let me think it was many a mon back when i did that, have you tried dashing into a wall? or scaning the area in sence? if theres a mountain climb up have a look around. It might be the shack one , where you have to dig in and set it alight with the plank and fire and get out. (it blows up killing all inside)
post some details back to me on it and i might know more info

i duno if iv dashed into a wall, iv blown up the house though. Its by the side of the mountain. Iv looked all around the dot with my sences but cant find it.And lked at guides but they all seem to miss it out.have u clicked on the pic to make it bigger. coz its by there.
emm i dont know at all then try using c view to look around talk to midna (even tho that cow never helps...) is there a house you can go in or a roof below you with a wooden patc on the roof?
nope. i think i mite no now, u no the building u gtta blow up. well its ses if u follow the path u get to a building, it says to dig to get inside then smash pots. i dunno if iv dun that 1 yet i mite have. thanks ofr helping or trying to neways lol. fanqoo xxxxxxxxx guna have a go now! ohnooooooo i remember i need batteries :( for da wiimote gtta go find them 1st :( cya fanqoooooo xxxxxxxxx
normaly houses hold the tears. if in a house and can not see tear try ramming a wall in the house...

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