My RedSteal Review


Wii fo' life son. Werd.
Dec 1, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok, I've seen many reviews on the internet and I saw that they said Red Steel sucked. Well I decided to find out for myself. So that day I purchased Red Steel and played it. When I first play it I could not stand it. The controls were so confusing. So I put it down for about 2 days. Then I dicided to give it a second chance, so I started to play and then I got really in to it and started to get used to the controls. The story line was ok. Graphics are ok. This is defently a good step twards First Person Shooters on the Wii. I would rate Red Steel 7/10.
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Wow, what a carefully planned and extensive review.

You even spelt steel wrong
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Well damn all you want to do is make fun? I don't understand assholes on the internet these days.
Reaper3000GT said:
Well damn all you want to do is make fun? I don't understand assholes on the internet these days.


just pure lol
Well your review is INDEED not too much indepth... What's your criteria? Any special comments?
Two n00bz battle it out well shut up both of you, first off that was a horrible review you said the story line and graphics were okay if that were true it would have gotten a 5/10 but it's not that game coulda run on N64 if they wanted it to

SamusS: STFU your acting like a big shot your not, you are a noob and your sig says "I am the guy N00bs love to hate" so do you hate yourself?
To be fair, in Reapers defence I've been looking at endless reviews at this game and they have all been all over the place. At least this clear-cut short review was to the point, and nice to hear it from a 'real person'.

People are always looking for quick ways to dig at people on forums, there really isn'tany point... who cares about the social kudos?

Cheers for the review ;)
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Falconist said:
To be fair, in Reapers defence I've been looking at endless reviews at this game and they have all been all over the place. At least this clear-cut short review was to the point, and nice to hear it from a 'real person'.

People are always looking for quick ways to dig at people on forums, there really isn'tany point... who cares about the social kudos?

Cheers for the review ;)


Anyways, a review is a review. I thought this one was good, he talked about the game, gave his thoughts. If you want a longer one, then go find one, there's no need to rag on this guy.
WiiZero said:
Two n00bz battle it out well shut up both of you, first off that was a horrible review you said the story line and graphics were okay if that were true it would have gotten a 5/10 but it's not that game coulda run on N64 if they wanted it to

SamusS: STFU your acting like a big shot your not, you are a noob and your sig says "I am the guy N00bs love to hate" so do you hate yourself?

Umm, Fu<k you?

i don't take points from 10 year old little $hit's like yourself. I was playing my snes when you were just a glint in your daddy's eye.

To reiterate. Go Fu<k yourself.
Calm down guys, heh.

I wonder if the creators of Red Steel or even Nintendo would be proud of your behaviour! Not to mention your parents :p

Play nice!

I dont really agree with the review of Red Steel, but its good to see someone putting their views forward.

I put my own views about the game forward in another thread, heres what my opinion of it is if anyone's interested just for a comparison.

I wouldn't go as far to say that Red Steel is a great game, but i would say it is a good game. It just hasn't really done anything new or innovative in my opinion.

Playing it was pretty good for one reason, as it did demonstrate what the control system on the Wii was capable of, however it was completely uninspired as a game and generic in every way possible. Had it not been for the use of the remote control and nunchuck then i would have thought it a very bland FPS.

Just imagine playing Red Steel without the remotes unique qualities, its would be completely unfulfilling in every way possible. Its a bit of a Frey Bentos pie, it feeds you but you know a Steak Dinner would make you much fuller and happier.

Its also a very linear game, which isn't always a bad thing in a game if pulled off well. For example FEAR on the PC is very linear however it can get away with it due to the atmosphere and tension created in the game by the drip fed plot line, brilliant cut scenes and intense battle with enemies and your feelings of terror while playing. Red Steel by comparison has none of those emotive qualities and seems bland.

It just didn't gel with me and seemed just a little repetitive in some places, another criticism is that its far too easy as a game which makes it unrewarding as i for one got no sense of achievement when playing the game.

There is way too much ammo & body Armour available to the player in the game, its almost impossible to get killed in a gun fight as you can just duck behind cover or back off to another room you have previously which point your health bar will very, very rapidly fill back up.

Its nothing to do with graphics or audio, the game in general seems very rushed as Ubi were obviously struggling to get it out as a launch title.

While its not a bad game as such in my opinion, its also not a great game either. A very mediocre effort, that did however show what the Wii's uniqueness was capable of. Maybe Red Steel 2 will be implemented in a better fashion........i for one hope so.

Its worth buying and is fairly entertaining, but i just would expect fireworks from the game as it doesn't re-define what in a cross platform perspective has become an overcrowded and tired genre.[/MEDIA][/M

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