Red Steel vs Farcry


Special Olympics Medalist
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code

I gotta go pre-order (and pay for) some games to go with my wii in about 2 hours when I finish work.
I'll be getting Zelda (of course) and wii play - for the extra controller and to get my gf roped into the wii (she played my ds so much I had to buy her one).
Anyhow I digress...
I was gonna buy Red Steel. But it's been getting panned in the reviews. I need a fps and the only alternative is far cry. So is red steel bad enough for me to hedge my bets on farcry? anyone know enough about farcry to suggest it as an alternative?.. I'd even consider COD...
Well, Ive heard that Red Steel isnt all its hyped up to be but overall an ok game, havent heard much on far cry, and Ive always like COD but thats a thing of taste really, So if i were you id go with red steel or Cod probly not Farcry
ONM (UK) gave red steel 91% (I have it in my bag...) with the disappointing thing being swordplay part of it...

they thought the 4player split screen multiplayer was good (remember seeing somewhere on here someone complaining it was only 2 player... but I thought it was 4 player)

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not sure if I would trust "official" nintendo magazine... I have seen that article myself. It got panned by gamespot and ign. If farcry gets it together with the controls it will blow red steel away I think. - I don't wanna back the wrong horse :ee5k:
I know metroid3 is going to have an "expert" controller mode - which behaves a lot more like a mouse - with fast turning.

I'll go for red steel and if the review for farcry is good on 5th dec I'll see if I can exchange it on launch day.
Get CoD3. It's the best fps they've made so far. It puts the Wiimote to good use. Plus you know Call of Duty wont dissapoint as far as action and story.
the graphics on red steel is sub par. and i found the gameplay kind of boring after awhile. cod3 was pretty cool, except there's no multiplayer, so there's really no re-play value for me.

haven't heard much about far-cry yet.
The original Far Cry was amazing when I played it on PC, if that's any help to you. I just hope Vengence will be as good, and have some sweet online play.
If you want a single player storyline FPS then get COD. If you want multiplayer action (I do) then get FarCry like me.
Far Cry will eat Red Steel for breakfast than analy rape it while Red Steel is screaming for help.

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