A Little more on Red Steel - More opinions


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
When I had first gotten Red Steel, I was impressed by the graphics but was totally :shocked: about the controlling of it. It's pretty bad at first and is probably the ONLY reason why people say it's bad, because they just don't give it enough time for themselves to adjust to it. Iv'e read reviews, mainly the IGN one is like the backbone of reviews and it only really complains about it's controlling. But really thats the only issue, apart from the cutscenes which seem a lil cheesy to me :smilewinkgrin:

So if your thinking of getting Red Steel, go for it but remember to give it enough time for you to get used to it. I'm typing this forum as Iv'e just gotten off a good game of Red Steel and am coming around on the controlling.

A few tips on easy controlling: Sit back furthur away from the television. It helped a hell of alot for me. Makes it more smooth. Also, medium sensitivity aiming is probably the best. I put it up to high straight away and even after getting used to it, it was still awkard so medium is probably the best.

So far I'm liking it, apart from the fact it seems to be going pretty quickly .. I hope the multiplayer and online play will make up for the shortness of the game, but then again, playing it over again and getting better can't hurt!

Thanks for reading me rant! Hope it helps..

There is already several threads on this.

There is no online play.

And does this game really have good graphics or not? Becuase some people say they are amazing and other people say that it looks like a N64 game.
Graohics arent that great but the controls in my opinion are just fine I just played it for the first time today.:D
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PersianCowboy said:
There is no online play.

And does this game really have good graphics or not? Becuase some people say they are amazing and other people say that it looks like a N64 game.
Theres no online play yet .. hopefully. And the graphics ARE really great, whats wrong with the people who say they look like N64? Have they even seen the game?
Why do you guys think Ubisoft is going to waste its time to release an online update for the game?

They haven't said they will, have they?
PersianCowboy said:
Why do you guys think Ubisoft is going to waste its time to release an online update for the game?

They haven't said they will, have they?

Wishfull thinking dream destroyer.:incazzato:
yeh i think Red Steel is an amzing game the game play is dead good but the graphics were a bit disapointing. At some parts it did look N64 ish but the characters are really good just some of the odd scenery look a bit n64. but i don't care its a brilliant game i love it :D
I dont think its great all all, why do I wanna use a sword when I have an AK47 all that chat drives me nuts and the game play is long.
Still using it but not sure if I will ever get into it
well if u like shooting games i think u'll like it but if u dont then u prob wont but i do ive almost completed it apart from its stopping me with error messages lol

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