ModChip for Wii ?

V@A said:
9/11 - you dont wanna know what I think about it. - but here we dont talk about politics , get back to topic.

Not de-railing the topic, just pointing out that your probably the worst, self-proclaimed "pirate" or "hacker" or whatever you want to call yourself. And that you reminded me of that particular Canadian. And your right, I don't want to know what you think about 9/11.
V@A said:
9/11 - you dont wanna know what I think about it. - but here we dont talk about politics , get back to topic.

:wtf: You started this whole thread and your telling us to get back to the topic? You started this thread asking about a mod chip. Mod chips are used to play illegal games. What else do you think thats going to lead to?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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iplaywii said:
:wtf: You started this whole thread and your telling us to get back to the topic? You started this thread asking about a mod chip. Mod chips are used to play illegal games. What else do you think thats going to lead to?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I said : we are here to talk about Wii and not about 9/11.
One issue with piracy is that the more freely available cracked/pirated software becomes and the more viable it is to rely on finding it easily then the more people decide to use pirated software/code/music and declare 'I wouldn't have bought it anyway'.

Personally I have dipped into music and game file sharing and am not riding the high horse of moral outrage. However I don't try and justify myself, I just admit I wanted stuff for free. But with Nintendo I feel different - the computer game world's much much cut-throat these days and I really want to support what Nintendo are doing.

As to imports it always annoys me when stuff isn't released here (UK) so I'd support modding for imports.
Hi, I live in Istanbul/Turkey and the games are sold here 110 usd which is extremely expensive. Also consider the wealth index and purchasing power compared to UK, so simply a game for me in Turkey is around 200 usd worth (compared to your incomes) At the end of the day, copy games is our only option.
and if you wonder, i paid for my wii 600 usd, so don't complain and be happy that you live in normal European countries.
dunyao said:
Hi, I live in Istanbul/Turkey and the games are sold here 110 usd which is extremely expensive. Also consider the wealth index and purchasing power compared to UK, so simply a game for me in Turkey is around 200 usd worth (compared to your incomes) At the end of the day, copy games is our only option.

He's right in. In Israel when I went to buy an XBox its almost impossible to buy a non-modded console. The games are absolutely ridiculous in price so we burn them! :p
LordVance said:
Name one program that cannot be pirated for me...please. Not some ubscure program nobody has ever heard of and thus, taken the time to pirate...something there is actually a demand for a cracked version of yet it being unavailable.

Crackers have managed to negate any software protection they have come across it seems, and even a lot of hardware protection. A certain 3D modeling/animation program actually requires a hardware dongle be attached to the serial port of your computer to run; yet somehow it was cracked. Why? Because the Windows operating system allows for such emulation.

Its not a matter of Nintendo making the software susceptible to pirating though, mod chips are designed to alter the hardware of the system and replace the bios/remove the security checks - its an unavoidable inevitability that every console will eventually have mods available, and be running all the pirated games those crazy kids can download.

Wasn't the XBOX 360 mobo sealed in epoxy to prevent, or at least extremely deter, mod chip installation? (thats a real question; I know there was some system which sealed important areas of the mobo with something, I'm fairly sure thats it) Yet, somehow, people found a way to mod the system and now you can download all the games on your favorite torrent site and avoid the bill.

Some people get their software illegally, its going to happen no matter what. Developers can spend an arm and a leg attempting to stall crackers by a few months; or they can do what most do and simply pay a small fee to have a third party protection scheme which is just enough to prevent the casual copying of their software between friends.


Wow is everyone on a high horse about pirating here. Being against the rules of the forums to really get into it I definitely understand....this is not the place for it. However, some of you people really need to get over yourselves. Watch YouTube video's much? The majority of the content on their is illegally uploaded to the site (they have, recently, been doing a better job cleaning things up though).

Ever download an MP3 and turn around and buy the album because you liked it? Many have, and a few years ago Princeton did a study showing how the illegal sharing of music over networks like (at the time) Napster actually benefited major artists like Britney Spears. They also showed though, that it was detrimental to start-up bands and software developers, so its a double edged sword here.

Ever pirate a copy of Windows, or Microsoft Office because you needed a compatible version for lets say, school? I'm sure most of you have (whether you know it or not...ever have the neighborhood computer kid "fix" your computer...yea, it now has illegal software on it I'm sure). Well guess what, Microsoft likes it... Yea, they really do. Ya know why? They love their monopoly, and would rather people pirate Windows than have them turn to alternatives such as Linux. A house with a pirated version of XP is a house with XP none the less. A high school kid tinkering around with his pirated copy of Adobe Photoshop is a future customer when he turns it into a legitimate business.

Studying to become a game designer, or a different position in the industry, and a professor scared you into thinking if you get caught pirating software it will be extremely difficult to find a job? Try to find the video (google video is your hint) of an extremely prolific game developer in an interview with a burned CD with the label "Warc 3" and then a serial number written on it sitting on his desk while he talks about his new game. Yea, everyone does it...good games sell, and get pirated. People go to see good movies. People buy good music - iTunes surprised the heck out of alot of people with their successes.

The day pirated software becomes a HUGE problem is the day the industries it is hurting will start really working on a solution. For now, they all sit by and use the same copy-protection as their competition, because its all thats needed a.t.m.

That being said, I pay for the vast majority of my software....own dozens of new released dvd's and cd's, but I do enjoy using the power of bittorrent to "discover" new artists/programs/game companies (I tend to be a company loyal guy...if Blizzard puts out a new game, I'll buy it...). Oh yea, and the movie industry actually is in trouble - its a big problem for them. Not so much the actually studios', but theaters are going to be hurting big in the next 10 years.

That is exactly what happened to me. I had hacked versions of all the Adobe media software but then, when I got really good at audio/video and made a few bills on the side I went around dropped a grand on Adobe Video/Audio Pro Package. Then I also got things from M-Audio, Behrringer, Canopus, ect. Without that pirated software I would have never figured out how to use these programs/hardware and thus, never would have bought them. I know this may be very rare, or individual but it goes along with exactly LordVance is saying.

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