ModChip for Wii ?

Whold you steel a tv or a car
same thing as buying copy games
I used to pirate software and music with the thought that it was just a copy of a copy and nobody was really losing any actual matter.

But I have since stopped and only have software and music that I have purchased. One because if I were an artist or software engineer I wouldn't want people getting copies of my stuff for free, if everyone who had a copy payed for it then I would get exactly what I earned. Two because it is illegal.

Three because stealing is wrong, laws or no laws.

So get your minds off these philosophical justification kicks and stop being so cheap.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, fellas.
I admit I used to do it as well, but than one day in college my professor stated because of the type of job field I want to go in, If I were to get caught, I basically destroy my chances in that field. Same would apply for others I imagine.

Second, I just feel better about myself when I have a legal copy, as well as the nice packaging and stuff.
the only way ill get a mod-chip is if it played dvds on the wii i dont like burnet **** its ugly and i want every game on my wii to be original.
xbandaidx said:
It's still stealing though, you are taking others work and not giving the money they deserve for it. They don't make games for free, it cost money to make games and they dont do it for free. Regardless if you wanted it or not.

You need to stop looking from one point of view and start looking from the other shoe. I know, and you can't tell me otherwise and if you do you'd be BS, that if you own your own company and you see someone pirating your stuff that you made, you'd be ticked. Games aren't made in one day, they can take up to years to produce.

I heard the arguement before that you just made from other people before, and all it does is show a person that is blind to the other side of the story, or they refuse to look at it.

You can sit here and call companies greedy or whatever for all I care, but those people who work at those companies rely on what they sell to feed their families.

Alright, here goes:

If I can't afford a game (which I can't right now; I'm broke as a Joe), I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

If I pirate a game, I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

Either way, there is no difference on their end.

So, how is there a difference? I'd be copying data, not stealing tv's.
WaLieN said:
I used to be a software engineer. If your software is designed so that it can be pirated, then you shouldn't complain. The same should apply to Nintendo.

Name one program that cannot be pirated for me...please. Not some ubscure program nobody has ever heard of and thus, taken the time to pirate...something there is actually a demand for a cracked version of yet it being unavailable.

Crackers have managed to negate any software protection they have come across it seems, and even a lot of hardware protection. A certain 3D modeling/animation program actually requires a hardware dongle be attached to the serial port of your computer to run; yet somehow it was cracked. Why? Because the Windows operating system allows for such emulation.

Its not a matter of Nintendo making the software susceptible to pirating though, mod chips are designed to alter the hardware of the system and replace the bios/remove the security checks - its an unavoidable inevitability that every console will eventually have mods available, and be running all the pirated games those crazy kids can download.

Wasn't the XBOX 360 mobo sealed in epoxy to prevent, or at least extremely deter, mod chip installation? (thats a real question; I know there was some system which sealed important areas of the mobo with something, I'm fairly sure thats it) Yet, somehow, people found a way to mod the system and now you can download all the games on your favorite torrent site and avoid the bill.

Some people get their software illegally, its going to happen no matter what. Developers can spend an arm and a leg attempting to stall crackers by a few months; or they can do what most do and simply pay a small fee to have a third party protection scheme which is just enough to prevent the casual copying of their software between friends.


Wow is everyone on a high horse about pirating here. Being against the rules of the forums to really get into it I definitely understand....this is not the place for it. However, some of you people really need to get over yourselves. Watch YouTube video's much? The majority of the content on their is illegally uploaded to the site (they have, recently, been doing a better job cleaning things up though).

Ever download an MP3 and turn around and buy the album because you liked it? Many have, and a few years ago Princeton did a study showing how the illegal sharing of music over networks like (at the time) Napster actually benefited major artists like Britney Spears. They also showed though, that it was detrimental to start-up bands and software developers, so its a double edged sword here.

Ever pirate a copy of Windows, or Microsoft Office because you needed a compatible version for lets say, school? I'm sure most of you have (whether you know it or not...ever have the neighborhood computer kid "fix" your computer...yea, it now has illegal software on it I'm sure). Well guess what, Microsoft likes it... Yea, they really do. Ya know why? They love their monopoly, and would rather people pirate Windows than have them turn to alternatives such as Linux. A house with a pirated version of XP is a house with XP none the less. A high school kid tinkering around with his pirated copy of Adobe Photoshop is a future customer when he turns it into a legitimate business.

Studying to become a game designer, or a different position in the industry, and a professor scared you into thinking if you get caught pirating software it will be extremely difficult to find a job? Try to find the video (google video is your hint) of an extremely prolific game developer in an interview with a burned CD with the label "Warc 3" and then a serial number written on it sitting on his desk while he talks about his new game. Yea, everyone does it...good games sell, and get pirated. People go to see good movies. People buy good music - iTunes surprised the heck out of alot of people with their successes.

The day pirated software becomes a HUGE problem is the day the industries it is hurting will start really working on a solution. For now, they all sit by and use the same copy-protection as their competition, because its all thats needed a.t.m.

That being said, I pay for the vast majority of my software....own dozens of new released dvd's and cd's, but I do enjoy using the power of bittorrent to "discover" new artists/programs/game companies (I tend to be a company loyal guy...if Blizzard puts out a new game, I'll buy it...). Oh yea, and the movie industry actually is in trouble - its a big problem for them. Not so much the actually studios', but theaters are going to be hurting big in the next 10 years.
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BlenderWizard said:
Alright, here goes:

If I can't afford a game (which I can't right now; I'm broke as a Joe), I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

If I pirate a game, I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

Either way, there is no difference on their end.

So, how is there a difference? I'd be copying data, not stealing tv's.

You just basically repeated the same thing all over again.

Copying data without paying for it, is still stealing. Its like if you go to a book store and take a book that is for sale, walk up to a copy machine and print off all the pages and walk away putting the book back and walk out with the print copies. Its stealing, the only way its legal is if its for educational purposes, even than you can only copy so much, however it can't be done through the bookstore but a library.
V@A said:
for the simple reason : if I dont have too , why I shouldn't.

You got a point there..... althought a stupid one:prrr: , but that is my opinion.

Le me tell you something. What do you think about this: wel all come by your place and stay there for a couple of weeks (you pay for everything), and then when we go we clean your house and we take everything you have.
As you said "for the simple reason : if I dont have too , why I shouldn't.[/"

So we have a deal? :thumbsup:

If you are poor, you are poor. But that doesn´t give you the right to steal!
BlenderWizard said:
Alright, here goes:

If I can't afford a game (which I can't right now; I'm broke as a Joe), I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

If I pirate a game, I'm not going to buy it, and nobody gets any money.

Either way, there is no difference on their end.

So, how is there a difference? I'd be copying data, not stealing tv's.

Coool! :yesnod: I have money to get a car, but not a Ferrari.... Let me seee.... I go tomorrow to the store, take the car.... and everybody is happy.... I would never bought it and they would never sold it to me.....

Geeee..... Are all the youth. Always thinking that everything is free......
Get a job, don´t drink and BUY your games :wink:
rtr1900 said:
Coool! :yesnod: I have money to get a car, but not a Ferrari.... Let me seee.... I go tomorrow to the store, take the car.... and everybody is happy.... I would never bought it and they would never sold it to me.....

Geeee..... Are all the youth. Always thinking that everything is free......
Get a job, don´t drink and BUY your games :wink:

Don't drink lol. You know how much money people could save if they didn't buy alcohol? Its quite impressive how much. One person going out to the bar can spend over 25 dollars on average easily. Now lets say that person goes out once a week, thats a 100 dollars a month.

Now if you were to invest that money into something like an IRA, and give it some time, you'd be friggin rich.

The day pirated software becomes a HUGE problem is the day the industries it is hurting will start really working on a solution. For now, they all sit by and use the same copy-protection as their competition, because its all thats needed a.t.m.

Probably one of the more ignorant comments I've seen on this forum. You'll see they are constantly improving copy-protection schemes they use today on their products, no company is going to sit around and lose money on purpose. Seriously call up a company and ask them if they really do that?

No Microsoft spends tons of money developing stuff such as WPA, and revamping their website to check consumers Windows information to see if its geniune before allow them to get an update.

Believe it or not, they 'really are working on a solution', its just the fact that anything made by a human has an error in it somewhere and can be exploited.

Its great you purchase your stuff. As for my Professor I believe he was referring to using software that wasn't paid for in an business setting, but he was also discouraging it from being done at home as well. He was doing his job to protect your future in the industry as well as the reputation of the college itself, and his job.
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Excellent post by LordVance up above! Well put! :smilewinkgrin:

How do you guys think a lot of these "cracks", "mods", whatever you wanna call it get out there? Probably just a matter of time before some disgruntled upper Nintendo employee quits his job and gives out all the secrets to make a modchip. Like LordVance said up above, I’m not sure the manufacturer actually cares as much as some of you guys think. When they start making “multiplayer online” games for the Wii you’re probably going to need a special key to play online against people. So download it, copy it, whatever, it’s not going to do you any good without that key. New games like Battlefield 2142 for the PC is what I’m talking about. I can go torrent that game right now and have the full version, but I can’t play online because I don’t have a key and they don’t and I don’t think they even can make a key generator the way that thing is set-up. Point is, that game is no fun without online play! There’s no way to stop it and it will continue for as long as computers and technology exists. People will argue about this topic forever! Regardless of what the “anti-copy” people say, it’s just a matter of time. Not being mean or trying to start an uproar, just stating a simple fact.

Here’s something to think about that I bet some people haven’t… I’ve already bought a few Nintendo Wii games and gave $50 a piece for them. I haul them around to friend’s house and play them, etc. They get a lot of wear and tear and… I WANT A BACKUP OF MY GAME THAT WILL PLAY!!! If I paid $50 for it and my game gets scratched, what not, and quits working then I want a backup that’s going to work! I’m not paying another $50! And that’s perfectly LEGAL!
iplaywii said:
Excellent post by LordVance up above! Well put! :smilewinkgrin:

How do you guys think a lot of these "cracks", "mods", whatever you wanna call it get out there? Probably just a matter of time before some disgruntled upper Nintendo employee quits his job and gives out all the secrets to make a modchip. Like LordVance said up above, I’m not sure the manufacturer actually cares as much as some of you guys think. When they start making “multiplayer online” games for the Wii you’re probably going to need a special key to play online against people. So download it, copy it, whatever, it’s not going to do you any good without that key. New games like Battlefield 2142 for the PC is what I’m talking about. I can go torrent that game right now and have the full version, but I can’t play online because I don’t have a key and they don’t and I don’t think they even can make a key generator the way that thing is set-up. Point is, that game is no fun without online play! There’s no way to stop it and it will continue for as long as computers and technology exists. People will argue about this topic forever! Regardless of what the “anti-copy” people say, it’s just a matter of time. Not being mean or trying to start an uproar, just stating a simple fact.

Here’s something to think about that I bet some people haven’t… I’ve already bought a few Nintendo Wii games and gave $50 a piece for them. I haul them around to friend’s house and play them, etc. They get a lot of wear and tear and… I WANT A BACKUP OF MY GAME THAT WILL PLAY!!! If I paid $50 for it and my game gets scratched, what not, and quits working then I want a backup that’s going to work! I’m not paying another $50! And that’s perfectly LEGAL!

Uh your special key is your friend code, there won't be anything else than that.

Making backups is illegal as well, there used to be a law to allow backup and still is, but digital media is not included in that. However don't think I don't agree with you on that backup stance because I do agree with you on the fact that you should be able to backup stuff that you OWN.
xbandaidx said:
Uh your special key is your friend code, there won't be anything else than that.

Making backups is illegal as well, there used to be a law to allow backup and still is, but digital media is not included in that.

Wait what are you talking about? When I was referring to codes. I meant GAME codes not the Wii code. Games in the future for Wii that have online play will have individual codes for those games probably. It you use your buddies code then it will lock that code up and you will not be able to play online. Same concept with Battlefield 2142, Call of Duty 2, for the PC and etc...

As far as making backups, I'm not sure you are correct on that, and I bet the law varies from State to State. This would be an interesting topic to research. And on that note, my opinion, if you buy the game then you are entitled to make a back-up. End of story!

You really shouldn't have taken that Ethics class in college. You went from one extreme to the other! Find a balance!
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iplaywii said:
Ok Mr. Smart one, "use" your friends code and it locks the code up and it can't be used anymore! SO DON'T GIVE YOUR CODES TO YOUR BUDDIES! Same with Call of Duty 2. Give your code to people and your screwed! If your dumb enough to give it out to people then you deserve for it to be locked up.

As far as making backups, I'm not sure you are correct on that, and I bet the law varies from State to State. This would be an interesting topic to research. And on that note, my opinion, if you buy the game then you are entitled to make a back-up. End of story!

You really shouldn't have taken that Ethics class in college. You went from one extreme to the other! Find a balance!

Ok first off I don't appreciate your attitude towards me, and if you want I can give you all the FEDERAL law information on backups if you want? Just say the word and I'll give you the exact location to find the information you seek. I'm just helping you folks that have misunderstood somethings out there. If you don't like knowing the correct information than just put me on your ignore list here and go on with your life. No one is forcing you to read my posts.

Second, I didn't take an ethics class, I took a computer concepts and technology course. Third, friend codes are different from CD keys from PCs, totally separate from each other, and anyone who actually takes time to read the manual will know its safe to give out.


Seeing how you updated your post above me and stuff, first thanks.

I agree with you 100% on backups of stuff you own, so there really is nothing much to say there.

Now as for your game code, its possible they could set something up there. Such as assigning Wii console numbers to a gamecode, to prevent any circulation of keys. I understand what your saying there. Thats actually not a bad idea from a business perspective.
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