Mature Games?

I was gonna go ape if this was another MS/Sony Fanboy's Maturity Rant. lol o well :p

Homesrfan said:
Splitercell is the only one out of those that is rated M.

And GTA coming to Wii is just a rumor.

Rockstar Studios/Taketwo studios, who produce GTA are coming to the Wii in full support in mid 2007. Bringing ALOT of their games with them, and Nintendo HAS tracked them down for GTA also. Its up the Rockstar for final decision tho.

And GTA would be cool on the wii, as long as they dont make driving like Farcry or somtin

There will be plenty 'M' games for the future, u just gotta look. i know of a handful right now anyways. (altho most (not all) good 'M' games imo are the ones that are FPS etc)
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elmo_999 said:
The next RE instalment will be M and maybe that project HAMMER game. and the killer7 crew is making a game for wii
I believe you're referring to No More Heroes. I doubt Nintendo would make either Project H.A.M.M.E.R. or Disaster: Day of Crisis rated M more than likely T.
well for resident evil 1 it was M (was resident evil 4 rated m too?) for the gamecube so when the sequal comes out who knows what that would be rated

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