Pondering Member
And just to make it clear, I don't like far-leftists, nor hard-right wingers. Extremists are the major problem in this world. Just look at the people who hurt us on 9/11; religious extremists. Oh, but I think you're a bit confused on that point. Your comment makes it sound like you think it was Iraq who attacked us on 9/11, which as you, I and even the president know is not the case. It was Bin Laden and Alquaeda from Pakistan who attacked us for our support of Isreal. There have been numerous investigations and everyone knows and knew when we went into Iraq that Bin Laden and Sadam had nothing in common other than they both hurt a lot of people; Bin Laden hurt us while Sadam hurt his people. But don't forget, just a few years before the original war in Iraq, Desert Storm, we supported Sadam and his administration because he was against communism; we gave him a good amount of weapons. As for what to do in Iraq, um first off Kerry or Dean or Clinton wouldn't be worrying about it because we wouldn't have gone there to begin with. Second, what we're doing now is obviously futile. The middle-east is too concerned about who owns the "promised land" to care about democracy. If we leave now, the insurgents will most likely decrease considering they're coming into Iraq to stop us. It will probably become a dictatorship similar to Cuba; while we don't support Cuba, we aren't in a war with them.
On the topic of abortion, it all depends on how and what you value as life. If you believe that a baby deserves life even if it kills the mother, then fine; that's your choice. Oh and by the way, free choice does not just mean abortion, but also birth control/contraception, and better sex education in school. However, I don't believe abortion is either all good or all bad. While it should continue to be legal, it should be used as a last resort, not as a form of birth control. I don't support late-term abortion or whatever it's called where the baby is nearly completely formed because if someone is so irresponsible as to wait until the baby can actually feel itself being killed, then it should be born. However, when you consider the hideous foster care program we have in this country, it's understandable that people opt for aborting when they are first aware they are pregnant. Within the first few months, the baby slowly develops organs and body parts and then later on they develop nerves and a brain. Until then though, it's really just a mass of cells that doesn't feel anything, that doesn't have a pulse, nor brain activity, so in all seriousness it isn't living. Oh, and the U.S. is in no way having difficulty when it comes to population. Even though thousands die every year from smoking, drug use, car accidents, and murders, we still have a continuous amount of babies being born and of course illegal immigrants (which, by the way, republicans are for while Bush and the democrats are against). It's funny, I read in a magazine a while back that no one dies of natural causes anymore, but that's just because we can now figure out what vital organ has failed.
Glad to hear your politics and to know we both aren't extremists.
OK, now I understand where you're coming from a bit better.ssbb_lover said:Not exactly what I meant man. :sick:
I don't mind democrats, I don't mind ppl on the left, but far-leftists are crazy. To be honest, here are my views.
I think that we've gone wrong in the war, from the very beginning. We should have just gone in there and blown them up, just resolved the matter. But, now we've been pulled into this "civil war" between the suuni's (sp?) and the sheeites (sp?). But, tell me, what are we going to do by pulling out? Leave Iraq susceptable to another dictatorship and wait for another attack? :wtf:
I don't to want offend you because you're my friend, but abortion is wrong. You only gave one scenario. Abortion is not just being used like that, it's becoming overused, abortion is murder as well, you're killing a baby. You have a choice, have your damn baby that you knew you were going to have as soon as you...well you know, or kill it like it was nothing but something that was preventing you from looking pretty. The far-left say simply explain "that a woman has a right to do what she wants w/ her body", and guess where this has gotten us? We barely have enough babies every year to sustain existence in America, and statistics show that around 50 million murders in America are due to abortion. IT'S WRONG.
Where did you learn that conservatives think killing is of the devil? Talk about wtf. The media and the far-left are the ones who are saying to pull out because killing (even though neccesary in war) is wrong. I admit that what is going on in iraq is not how it should be, but now we've gotten oursleves involved and we're stuck there. Do you think Clinton, or Dean, or Kerry would have done any better? Honestly?
And where the hell did you come up w/ "anyone who thinks the right is wrong is a traitor to the state"? I just said that he was a typical far-leftist, and i'm sure he is. Listen Nate, let's not get into a political war.
On the topic of abortion, it all depends on how and what you value as life. If you believe that a baby deserves life even if it kills the mother, then fine; that's your choice. Oh and by the way, free choice does not just mean abortion, but also birth control/contraception, and better sex education in school. However, I don't believe abortion is either all good or all bad. While it should continue to be legal, it should be used as a last resort, not as a form of birth control. I don't support late-term abortion or whatever it's called where the baby is nearly completely formed because if someone is so irresponsible as to wait until the baby can actually feel itself being killed, then it should be born. However, when you consider the hideous foster care program we have in this country, it's understandable that people opt for aborting when they are first aware they are pregnant. Within the first few months, the baby slowly develops organs and body parts and then later on they develop nerves and a brain. Until then though, it's really just a mass of cells that doesn't feel anything, that doesn't have a pulse, nor brain activity, so in all seriousness it isn't living. Oh, and the U.S. is in no way having difficulty when it comes to population. Even though thousands die every year from smoking, drug use, car accidents, and murders, we still have a continuous amount of babies being born and of course illegal immigrants (which, by the way, republicans are for while Bush and the democrats are against). It's funny, I read in a magazine a while back that no one dies of natural causes anymore, but that's just because we can now figure out what vital organ has failed.
Glad to hear your politics and to know we both aren't extremists.