Sega: Nintendo Should Support Mature Gamers

its not hardcore vs casual debate caliko. I'm sad to see you are missing the point.

Nintendo is doing something right in terms of selling their expanded market games & classic franchise games to the exsisting market ,but they are ignoring a market who wants adult storylines ,and some violent action (once again not refering to blood gore & swearing i'm refering to shooting guns in an fps thats killzone/halo style ,and so on)

Sega, EA, and Capcom all tried to step up and put mature content on Wii. Grant it most of it was either half ass ports, rail shooters ,or etc. They at least put some kind of adult content forward. There problems are though they didnt market the games well ,and they fell into the stereotypes of what a "mature"/"core" game is.

I'm not asking Nintendo to step up at market Dead Space for EA ,or Madworld for SEGA what i'm asking for is that Nintendo recongize this market as the 3rd parties are "trying" to do ,and create some new IPs focused on this.

Nintendo needs to realize every new IP they make doesnt have to be plumbers bouncing on turtles, or cute lil plants that live on far away planets. Grant it the games that stem from these IPs are great ,and enjoy them a great deal.

BUT Nintendo needs to expand their profolio of IPs just as they are trying to expand the gaming market.

I mean hell who owns the rights to Eternal Darkness? Why cant Nintendo make a new game under that IP. Why not a spirtual successor to Geist.

Its times like these i wish Nintendo still had Rare under their wing. Then Nintendo would have their own FPS franchise on Wii in the form of Perfect Dark.

I wish they would go back to their 64 days a bit by making & publishing more adult content remember these are the guys who published Goldeneye Perfect Dark & Jet Force Gemini back in those days.

I GET the point, it's not hard to understand. What you don't get is that IT's NOT Nintendo's job to make everyone else happy. It's sad to see Sega relying on Nintendo for their own success, what's next? Sega asking Nintendo to Develop their games for them??

Should Disney step out of their zone and film a Holocaust movie where Mickey plays an enraged racist Hitler??

Where were the 3rd parties when Nintendo expanded the casual market?? They sure didn't ask for help, T3H H@rdC0R3S thought brain age was so "fA1L!!!!111".

ega, EA, and Capcom all tried to step up and put mature content on Wii. Grant it most of it was either half ass ports, rail shooters ,or etc

And it's also Nintendos fault these games didn't sell right?:rolleyes5:

Sure, Wii Fit sells more than the others, but it's also a load of crap./QUOTE]

Yeah a load or "crap". Explains why it outsold all Medal Gear Solid 4, Gran Turismo 5, Halo 3, and Gears of war combined?? Do you not realize that the casuals are appreciated gaming more?? I just bought Wii Fit yesterday and not only is it educational, the exercises are fun and actually target places we don't normally use which is a plus for me. This is a "load of crap" for people who don't care for their well being.

Maybe it's the HarDc0r3 that need to "M"ature??
I'm not saying its Nintendo's fault that those games didnt sell ,or at least not as well as they should of. That there lies in the faults of EA ,and so on who didn't market their games properly ,and hell maybe didnt even do their research enough in what exactly the "core" wii audience wanted.

Also I am not saying Nintendo needs to step up for SEGA ,or for anyone else. They need to step up for their ownselves. They need to practice what they preach.

They go on ,and on about expanding the market. Thats great i'm glad they did. Most of the time i prefer playing multiplatform games on Wii because they make the difficulty & the controls (for the most part) understandable & enjoyable.

Nintendo expanded the market yes ,but they need to also expand what kind of games they make. In order for gamers that were brought up on Playstations to take them seriously they need to do one of 2 things. Make new entries in some of their more adult IPs (Eternal Darkness, Startropics, Geist) as well as look into making new IPs. I mean why not gather some 2nd party developers that are out of the western front.

I'm not asking for Nintendo to make mario with guns, a zelda where i slash a moblins head off with blood everywhere. Because as i stated before to have a "mature"/"core" game does not mean having to be blood, gore, sex ,and swearing. I don't know how many times i have to stress that fact.

I mean hell Miyamoto even said before he could make a game in vein of halo. Well then hell give the development reigns for a game like that to Retro ,or Nspace. I'd love to see Nintendo's take on a Halo style game.

I'd love to see Nintendo do something that was a cross between Halo & Half Life 2.

Nintendo thinks making a new mario ,or zelda is whats going to satisfy us. Those are nice to have but also give us something fresh. Show us that you are not a one trick pony that all you can do is these same handful of franchises.
I'm not saying its Nintendo's fault that those games didnt sell ,or at least not as well as they should of. That there lies in the faults of EA ,and so on who didn't market their games properly ,and hell maybe didnt even do their research enough in what exactly the "core" wii audience wanted.

Nice reply. See that makes WAAAY more sense. See this is what I've been trying to get at the whole time. Blaming Nintendo is the easy cop out instead of focusing and improving on your own faults.

Also I am not saying Nintendo needs to step up for SEGA ,or for anyone else. They need to step up for their ownselves. They need to practice what they preach.

They go on ,and on about expanding the market. Thats great i'm glad they did. Most of the time i prefer playing multiplatform games on Wii because they make the difficulty & the controls (for the most part) understandable & enjoyable.

Nintendo expanded the market yes ,but they need to also expand what kind of games they make. In order for gamers that were brought up on Playstations to take them seriously they need to do one of 2 things.

Nintendo has expanded the market far beyond any other developer can even dream. From 2D platformers to 3D platformers to FPS's and now the Casual market. They are doing their job there.

I'm not asking for Nintendo to make mario with guns, a zelda where i slash a moblins head off with blood everywhere. Because as i stated before to have a "mature"/"core" game does not mean having to be blood, gore, sex ,and swearing. I don't know how many times i have to stress that fact.

Sadly a lot of kids DO wanna see a zelda with blood and gore, and even a Mario. I remember how many kids were saying "PWNS!!" when they saw that cheesy gameplay video of bloody smash bros where link chops marios head off:


In order for gamers that were brought up on Playstations to take them seriously they need to do one of 2 things. Make new entries in some of their more adult IPs (Eternal Darkness, Startropics, Geist) as well as look into making new IPs. I mean why not gather some 2nd party developers that are out of the western front.

So here I'm a liottle confused. Nintendo broke records last year, highest selling consoles in video game history in one year and one month. The Wii is growing faster and faster. MS and Sony would kill for Nintendos position. But maybe what you want is an all in one system that goes beyond casual and mediocre M rated titles. I hate having to switch on a second console to play games like Bioshock. To tell the truth I'd much rather play Gears of War on Wii. I would want that also, but like you mentioned they would have to hire 2nd parties. I know Valve wanted to work for Nintendo and so does Nibris, but Nintendo is on such a high pedestal that maybe they don't feel the need for these types of games now.

I mean hell Miyamoto even said before he could make a game in vein of halo. Well then hell give the development reigns for a game like that to Retro ,or Nspace. I'd love to see Nintendo's take on a Halo style game.

Myamoto can make a Game better than Halo/Gears of War/Half Life, but Nintendo doesn't play follow the leader like everyone else. Why does crash or Shrek have to race go karts?? Why couldn't they be on cars or riding animals?? Where were all these fitness games 5 years ago??

Nintendo is leader for good reason, because what they are doing is right. If they would have went the PS3 route, the Wii probably would have bit the dust like Saturn(get it?).
As far as kids getting all excited for "gorey" smash bros are just that kids.

I'm glad to see you are finally starting to see my point. I'd love to have all those great 3rd party IPs on Wii like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Half Life, Devil May Cry , and etc.

I think in order for Nintendo to get these kind of games on Wii is to make their own games like that in order to get these "new casual" gamers into it.

Lets face it. More than likely any new casual gamer who bought a Wii doesn't know about anything else on the Wii except Wii-"insert title here", Mario, Zelda, and etc.

I think if Nintendo hired a 2nd party to develop these games like they did with Rare ,and put the marketing behind it that they put behind Mario & Zelda it would get these new casuals to take notice & say "oh hey that looks interesting".

I dont think sega idea was to blame nintendo for not pushing their game ,but rather than sayin nintendo should put some effort forth in trying to do something for the core mature market.

In all honesty though i think the only way we're going to really see the kind of games we want is if we break away from looking at the typical big name pubs & devs ,and look pubs like Xseed, Graffitti, and ect ,and look at devs like HVS, Deep Silver, Grasshopper, Platinum, Renagade Kid, and others that aren't Capcom, Ubisoft, Sega ,and EA
As far as kids getting all excited for "gorey" smash bros are just that kids.

I'm glad to see you are finally starting to see my point. I'd love to have all those great 3rd party IPs on Wii like Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Half Life, Devil May Cry , and etc.

I think in order for Nintendo to get these kind of games on Wii is to make their own games like that in order to get these "new casual" gamers into it.

Lets face it. More than likely any new casual gamer who bought a Wii doesn't know about anything else on the Wii except Wii-"insert title here", Mario, Zelda, and etc.

I think if Nintendo hired a 2nd party to develop these games like they did with Rare ,and put the marketing behind it that they put behind Mario & Zelda it would get these new casuals to take notice & say "oh hey that looks interesting".

I dont think sega idea was to blame nintendo for not pushing their game ,but rather than sayin nintendo should put some effort forth in trying to do something for the core mature market.

In all honesty though i think the only way we're going to really see the kind of games we want is if we break away from looking at the typical big name pubs & devs ,and look pubs like Xseed, Graffitti, and ect ,and look at devs like HVS, Deep Silver, Grasshopper, Platinum, Renagade Kid, and others that aren't Capcom, Ubisoft, Sega ,and EA

You don't understand. There's a difference between Nintendo developing a game and a 2nd or 3rd party developing a game.

You said it would be great if NINTENDO developed an M rated game.

I said they don't have to especially if Sega's trying to be the boss here. Pointing fingers at Nintendo for their own failure.

I NEVER disagreed with Nintendo hiring other companies to develop games they don't have time for. NEVER.

I LOVE what Nintendo is doing and think Wii Fit and Zelda are far superior than what any other developer is achieving.
i understand the differences quite clearly Caliko.. Although even if its a 2nd party game whos name is getting stamped on it as it being theres? NINTENDO...Retro does the Metroid games. What is Retro..2nd party..whos name is on the box & disc Nintendo..

Secondly..even the 2nd party developers get visits from big wigs at Nintendo such as Iwata & Miyamoto especially Miyamoto so its not like there wouldn't be a Nintendo sourced influence on the game.

Now I disagree that Nintendo doesn't have to make a mature and/or core game...You keep pointing the finger at SEGA...well tell me did SEGA develop HoTD:OK ,Madworld ,or Conduit? was another developer that Nintendo could easily pick up. These games aren't SEGA IPs they were just published by SEGA..I wouldn't leave the core game duties up to SEGA anyhow then we definitely wouldnt get anywhere

Hell I'd love to see Nintendo take HVS under their wing as a 2nd party dev ,and push The Conduit IP further as a Nintendo owned IP.

And to clarify the whole 1st 2nd & 3rd party thing..
1st party games are games developed by in-house software development teams from that particular hardware developer

2nd party games are games developed by outsourced software development teams that said hardware developer may ,or may not have purchase stock in & such hardware developer publishes the developers game as their own.

3rd party games are games developed by a software development team that has no ties to any one particular hardware developer ,and can make games for any system they wish ,and usually have to seek out publishing deals unless able to self publish.
It seems that Sega was jumping the gun a bit.

Nintendo are publishing their first 'Cero D' rated Wii game in Japan - Zangeki no Reginleiv (formally known as Dynamic Slash). That is the equivalent of an M rating here. It isn't the first Wii game to get that rating (RE:4 and Dead Rising were rated Cero D too) but it is the first to actually be published by Nintendo.

It'll be interesting to see how much of a push Nintendo will give the game when/if they bring it over to the west.

In the meantime, Capcom's new titles seem to be getting some healthy advertising. Hopefully they get good sales as a result and then other 3rd parties understand what they have to do.
its not all about the rating RaisingHelen. I mean Dynamic Slash isn't the first mature game Nintendo has published ,or adult oriented title. They had Disaster & Fatal Frame 4. Problem is Nintendo has been leaving these titles in Japan & not bringing them over to other regions.

Also we could go further back ,and you'd see Eternal Darkness as well as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark ,and Conker being some more mature rated ,or adult oriented titles Nintendo has published. Its not they don't do it ,or can't do it rather its they've been neglecting it. And, when they do it this gen they seem to be leaving it out for everyone except japan.