Mario Strikers Fields/Stadiums...Which Area Do You Prefer?

I prefer any stage that's not Thunder Island.

"Shy Guy's lining up for the Skillshot, no one near the net to stop him in the aftermath...", "MOOOOOOOOO", "what's this? A cow just sent him flying off the field!"

"Daisy's got a clear shot at the Mega-Stri...WHOA Tractor!"

"Dry Bones on a breakaway to the goal with a white giant fish?"

Though I do like Crystal Canyon and Wastelands. Lava Pit is annoying as it's impossible to play in the usual lag during wifi games. I mostly just like the "boring" stages like Classroom, the Palace, and the Vice though.
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AvariceX said:
I mostly just like the "boring" stages like Classroom, the Palace, and the Vice though.

Now I wouldn't consider those fields/stadiums "boaring". It's the games that occur on each field that make it interesting!:thumbsup:

Even though nothing strange happens to the ground, or things don't fly through the air knocking you down, they can still be difficult courses. Depending on if you're playing someone who tries and deke through to the net for every one of their goals. You may need say the Lava Pit's fireballs, or the Big Cows from Thunder Island knocking them off track so they can't pull of their deking moves into your net.

It's these "boaring" places that you need to put more strategy into your plan, and be aware of where your players are, and which items you have to back you up.

I know you said you like playing these fields AvariceX, and I'm not getting pissed at you for calling them "boaring" places or anything:lol: don't get me wrong.
I just want you, or whoever else calls these places "boaring" like the Classroom, or Crater Field, to think more about them, and consider what the most difficult game would be like if they were to play on those fields. What would they need to do to win? Use more items? Have a good offense/defense? Or think out what your next move will be?

Think about that before you call them "boaring" courses again;).
the "boring" stages lol give me a different mood and can actually change how i play and i hate the wastlelands because you slide all over the place and omg its so :mad5: ing anoying!!
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I hate the Wastelands too man.
Especially when your opponent has the ball, and you try and steal it from them by pressing down on the control pad. And when you start the steal, you got no control then, and your player is way off target and the steal is a big waste of time:rolleyes:.

But that just goes along with the many other reasons why I dispise the Wastelands.

The Dump is also high up on my "Most Hated Fields" list...

Infact, here's a list of courses (from my most favorite, to my most hated) I made:

1st - Tie between Battle Dome & Underground
2nd - Lava Pit
3rd - Bowser Stadium
4th - Crystal Canyon
5th - Galactic Stadium
6th - Classroom
7th - Konga Coliseum
8th - The Palace
9th - Pipeline Central
10th - Crater Field
11th - The Vice
12th - Thunder Island
13th - Sand Tomb
14th - Stormship Stadium
15th - Tie between The Dump & Wastelands
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stormships is awsome though i think because it makes you react to electrical charges and it tilts and it looks awsome lol:cool:
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  • #37
cowzuvdoom said:
stormships is awsome though i think because it makes you react to electrical charges and it tilts and it looks awsome lol:cool:

I agree that Storm Ship Stadium makes both players think and react more quickly because of the field tilting, and electrical jolts, but for someone who has poor luck may not think it's the best place:lol:.

That field has the most obstacles and distrubances. No other field has more than one strange thing happening.

The Lava Pit only has fire balls. The Sand Tomb only has Thomps, Thunder Island only has Tractors/Cows/Fish, Wastelands has Lightning, the Dump has the floor that slowly pulls players toward center field.
None of them have secondary occurances like Field Tilting AND Electricity.

I generally wouldn't pick it to play on, but sometimes I do just to up the difficulty:D.

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