Mario Strikers - Review


Wii Want PES!
Oct 26, 2006
Blackburn, UK
Wii Online Code

The wait is finally over! Months of speculative theories and messageboards being attacked with anger, months of the Big N reassuring these impatient fans. Now its here, and the fans are left open mouthed and gagging for more!
Never has a game for our little white box really captured the spirit of the 'hardcore gamer', who long for online play and the opportunity to beat down a kid from the other end of the country(well, beat them down metaphorically - really they want to win 10-0 on Charged!). Well, you can't have online play without the boring game modes against the computer, which are in fact very good and provide great training for the pride enducing online competition. The Domination Mode is bascially you against the computer, with your captain and his little bunch of slave battling away for supremacy and the honour of aving more points next to your name than theirs....oh the joy, my heart is swelling as we speak. It provides great practise and it great should you just want the one off exhibition match. Moreover, the choices of options is a nice touch, with many different methods of winning perfectfor a two player - same Wii game. You can have te choice of a time limit, first to 'x' amount of goals, varying difficuties, stadiums and teams....If you want it, its there. That is, unless you want to play against a team of pies or something eccentric...not that I do (dashes to take his meat pie out of the oven)
The Road To The Striker Cup is fantastic, with you battling in a six-team group table for the right to play in the finale, where should you come out on top, you advance to the next cup where you will again compete to play in the finale. This gets a little repetetive, but the practise is surely worth the rewards reaped, with a shining cup and a better opportunity of beating yor online foes. The two difficulties provide competition for varying levels of gamers, and host the usual "its too easy" brand of players who still proceed to get whooped online. You can't hide on the network, as you'll have people laughing at your Mii's static face.
The striker challenges are also interesting, where the challenges are extremely difficult in some cases, and provide situations you may find in a game, allowing you to have a set gameplan and work your way out the situation. Which is often get a megastrike and BAM!
Online, online, online.... the options are already known to all of you, and despite its 'cons' and documented problems, its an enjoyable experience, notably friendly matches, where YOU make the rules, whereas Ranked matches are set by Ninty, yet are a great indicator of your ability, and HAS to be on a level playig field.
The game looks fantastic, with some saying "its like the GC version" which I find incorrect, as slight details differ this version. The terrain changes evey second, and that must be challenging, as it isnt your average "blood spilling' graphics, and is seemingly more challenging in my eyes due to the sheer amount of different screens needed.
Conclusively, I say purchase this game! Fun? tick. Online? tick. Get your chequebooks out viewers.

Graphics - 87% - some great terrain displaying
Gameplay - 90% - fun and no real problems.
Playback - 84% - after you win cups, only online will keep it going.(still good)
Online play - 94% - fun! Finally....



Sam Miller
Ah I see, your trying to compete with my review! :lol:
Nice review btw.

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