Mario Strikers Fields/Stadiums...Which Area Do You Prefer?

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  • #16
Jeff25 said:
Just to clear up any information new Mario Strikers Charged owners may have about the stadiums/fields in the game, heres some info on them:...I will post the rest of the stages at another time.

Here are the rest of the stages I didnt mention in my earlier post:

Crater Field - The main field from the original Mario Strikers game. It's "Strikingly":p similar to The Vice in the 2nd Striker Game.
Konga Collussium - This would be DK's & Diddy's home turf. As the camera lowers toward the field, Konga Drums can be heard in the background. The floor is made of moss-covered wood.
Classroom - This is where new Strikers test their skills and practice up on their passing, shooting and deking skills. The cieling is miles high and there are 2 giant blue circles in center field.
Underground - Nothing happens to the field/players in this stage. The floor has a greenish-blue glow to it, and there are red lights on the sides of the field which look similar to the red lights on Bowser's Super Team from Mario Strikers 1.
Battle Dome - This is a nice stage. The stage has no disruptions or obstacles, and the stadium looks like an indoor prison gym, which is a cool feature:thumbsup:.
Bowser's Stadium - This is Bowser's old home turf. It was here that you had to defeat Bowser's Super Team. The stadium is designed like some sort of spaceship and there is a large chunk broken off from when the Super Team was beaten.

I hope this, along with the other stages I mentioned comes in handy to those Newbie Strikers out there:p!

If anyone has any questions regarding the fields and stadiums in Strikers Charged, feel free to post them on this thread!:) I'll be happy to answer them as best I can:thumbsup:!
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  • #18
BigORhyme said:
That's all accurate and true, but I think it's been mentioned elsewhere.

Oh, Crater Field rules!

Oh well:p, too late now, what I have already posted aint gunna change now:lol:.
But it might not be described somewhere else, so that info maybe usefull to newcomers...but if it's mentioned on another thread then...Oops:arf:!

:lol:Ahh...well, take it E Z ppl:thumbsup:

By the way BigO, I guess since you like Crater Field so much, I guess that's where we'll be having our matches to when we face eachother online:p.
I prefer the stages that don't have any crazing **** flying at ya like the Sand Tomb or Lava Pit.
My favorite stages though are the Battle Dome, and the Underground:cornut:!
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Jeff25 said:
Hey Striker Fans,

Do you have that one place that you are the best at?
Some of you may be awsome in the Lava Pit, others maybe the Classic Stadiums are for you.

Which fields do you prefer?

I generally like playing on all the fields/stadiums, EXCEPT for The Dump, and the Wastelands...Why?
Because the ground is slippery, and it is very difficult to pass/shoot and even move.

My Favorite place though if I had to choose whould be the Battle Dome. It's a nice place to have a match, and nothing strange happens to the field. It looks kind of like an indoor prison gym of some sort, which is another cool feature of this stadium I like!:thumbsup:

So what about you? What's your best area to play on?
I wanna know!

If you'd like to face me in Strikers, I'm always up for some good competition!:cool:
My Friend Code is: 481146 047743


my favorite place is the classroom. just a normal, peaceful place with no gimmiks. i hate the desert place, wasteland, and dump. anything that affects movement i hate.
Jeff25 said:
Hey Striker Fans,

Do you have that one place that you are the best at?
Some of you may be awsome in the Lava Pit, others maybe the Classic Stadiums are for you.

Which fields do you prefer?

I generally like playing on all the fields/stadiums, EXCEPT for The Dump, and the Wastelands...Why?
Because the ground is slippery, and it is very difficult to pass/shoot and even move.

My Favorite place though if I had to choose whould be the Battle Dome. It's a nice place to have a match, and nothing strange happens to the field. It looks kind of like an indoor prison gym of some sort, which is another cool feature of this stadium I like!:thumbsup:

So what about you? What's your best area to play on?
I wanna know!

If you'd like to face me in Strikers, I'm always up for some good competition!:cool:
My Friend Code is: 481146 047743

I hate playing the gimmicky levels

My favourite level is the first one
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  • #22
FRuMMaGe said:
My favourite level is the first one

The first must mean The Vice. Yeah that field is a good stage for ppl who prefer a normal match with nothing blowing you up or knocking you down.
I really don't mind any of the stages, but probably my favorite would be at a tie between two of them: Galactic Stadium, and The Vice. It's just the wonderful memories they brought....
I like them all exept glactic stadium isnt that great because nothing happends but i like thunder island its great fun when you see some one just go weeeeeeeee over the cliff!:lol: but ya there all great stadiums.:yesnod:
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  • #25
cowzuvdoom said:
I like them all exept glactic stadium isnt that great because nothing happends but i like thunder island its great fun when you see some one just go weeeeeeeee over the cliff!:lol: but ya there all great stadiums.:yesnod:

I love that too when players get sent flying over the edge of Thunder Island:p.

Especially Monty Mole...if you've ever heard his little "Eee Bee Bee" noise (that's what it sounds like to me atleast) he makes when he's on fire, or knocked around the course, you'll know how funny he sounds when Monty Mole gets blown off the cliff or torched by the fire balls of the Lava Pit.

If you really want to get Monty screaming in horror, you should scorch him in Bowser's Fire Storm specialty:yesnod::lol:!

LoL, Ahhh, good o'l Monty Mole:D...
lol i havent herd that yet but ill listen lol. you should listen to the opening thing when they say next level games:yikes: its sooooooo funny and kinda scary when (its either peach or daisy i think its daisy) sais next level games lol:lol:
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  • #27
cowzuvdoom said:
lol i havent herd that yet but ill listen lol. you should listen to the opening thing when they say next level games:yikes: its sooooooo funny and kinda scary when (its either peach or daisy i think its daisy) sais next level games lol:lol:

Oh yeah, I've heard that.
The female voice sounds more like Princess Peach to me. When Mario says "Next Level Games", he doesn't say "Games", he says "Gameses"...I always say to my Bro, Mario must be retarded or something if he can't even say "games" right:p.

But I don't think the sexy female voice that says it is Daisy...she seems more of a Tom-Boy girl in the game. I'd say it's Peach. She sounds like she's trying to be a hooker or something and talking in a hot voice:p lol.

Have you heard anyother of the Captains say that opening line? I'll I've heard say it were Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Waluigi. :s

But I guess since Bowser, DK, Petey, and Diddy have a hard time saying actual words, it wouldn't be right to have them say the line:p. All you'd hear is roaring from Bowser, chimp/ape noises from DK/Diddy, and those "Bwhoa" noises & laughs that Petey makes:lol:.

Have you ever noticed that when you pick DK to play as, it sounds like he tries to say his name, but it sounds more like "Brahee Haa" :lol:?

I've always thought that was a bit funny:p
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Jeff25 said:
Have you ever noticed that when you pick DK to play as, it sounds like he tries to say his name, but it sounds more like "Brahee Haa" :lol:?

I've always thought that was a bit funny:p
lol ya thats funny i have noticed that and how yoshi sais "roshie!"
they all speak weird lol.
whats wierd iswaluigi scores and does a random croch chop lol its sooo random:shocked:
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  • #30
cowzuvdoom said:
lol ya thats funny i have noticed that and how yoshi sais "roshie!"
they all speak weird lol.
whats wierd iswaluigi scores and does a random croch chop lol its sooo random:shocked:

Yeah Waluigi's Croch Chop thing kinda looks like that old thing kids used to do when I was little...they use to croch chop a few times and kept saying "Suck it":sick:.

I never did it though, it seemed too wierd:wtf:.

I like it when Waluigi scores a goal and it shows him picking the ball up and facing his opponents sidekicks while saying "Want the ball?" and he pitches it in their face:p:lol:. Then he laughs in that evil "Hehehehe" laugh:lol:.

You know what I don't get:confused:? Why do all the characters say their name when you choose them to play as on the Captains list?
It seems like they think we're stupid or something and always have to say their names so we don't forget who they are.
I think the only one who doesn't say his name is Bowser Jr., he puts a bit of difference in it and says "Oh Yeah" when you pick him.

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