LOST Season 5

I'm not going out this whole weekend with my friends are anything so I'm going to probably finish all episodes before the new episode the upcoming Wednesday.

Heh, have fun with that.

EDIT: Season 2, Episode 9, "What Kate Did". Why Sawyer got hurt after coming back from the people on tail section of the plain, Kate was taking care of him. All the sudden Sawyer woke up, choked Kate, and yelled, "Why did you kill me!"

I don't get it, would someone explain?

That was supposed to be a dead Wayne speaking through Sawyer. It's meant to be assumed a mysterious effect of the Island.

I'm on that episode BTW, and I've watched the rest of it. I sorta understand the Wayne and Sawyer thing. The reason she can't be with Sawyer is because he reminds her of Wayne, her abusive alcoholic father?

Yes, that is the reason at that point in the storyline.

Also she says that she didn't hate Wayne (Her biological father), because he abused her mom or "drove her other father Sam away", but because she would get nothing good? I don't get that either...

It makes perfect sense. Those events were serious, but not the primary issue that drove her to dislike him. It was that he was genuinely not a remoresful or caring person at all. The abuse and the influence on her stepfather were results of that. This would suggest that she had always hated him before those events, due, again, to his lack of affection towards anyone in the family.
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Heh, have fun with that.

That was supposed to be a dead Wayne speaking through Sawyer. It's meant to be assumed a mysterious effect of the Island.

Yes, that is the reason at that point in the storyline.

It makes perfect sense. Those events were serious, but not the primary issue that drove her to dislike him. It was that he was genuinely not a remoresful or caring person at all. The abuse and the influence on her stepfather were results of that. This would suggest that she had always hated him before those events, due, again, to his lack of affection towards anyone in the family.

Yeah, I figured it's impossible.

Okay thanks, I just didn't no what she meant when she way saying that.
So here I am reviving the thread again? =(

Anyway, last weeks episode was AWESOME. Seeing Smokey again was great as it always is. It was interesting to see Alex, who was probably a manifestation by Smokey itself, much like it did Yemi. It's good to see the raw emotion coming out of LOST again like it routinely did in the first 3 seasons and in some of Season 4.

I can't wait to find out how everyone gets back together, but knowing the pacing of LOST, it probably won't happen until the season finale. =(
So... Did anyone else watch the season finale yet?

That ending was crazy, to say the least. First hour of the finale didn't really whoo me though. 2010 is too far away!
So... Did anyone else watch the season finale yet?

That ending was crazy, to say the least. First hour of the finale didn't really whoo me though. 2010 is too far away!

I'll spoiler this in case some haven't seen it yet.
The whole Jacob/Other-guy conflict is very interesting. It finally gives us a glimpse of the whole good/evil, black/white battle that's been going on on the island for at least 100+ years (note that Jacob had white shirt, other guy (anti-Jacob?) had black shirt).

Also it seems as though anti-Jacob has been the one taking the form of dead people on the island (Jack's dad, Locke, Alex, Eko's brother) and is trying to manipulate things to find a way to kill Jacob. We still don't know what this conflict is really all about though or who exactly they are. Jacob periodically arranges things to bring people to the island (Black Rock, Oceanic 815, maybe even the whole Dharma initiative?) Is anti-Jacob also the smoke monster?

It's kind of funny that the big shocker reveal that Locke really is dead, but they've told us explicitly several times that "dead is dead" so looking back it should not have been unexpected.

As far as the bomb goes, I think Miles is right. The bomb going off, essentially causes the incident (or makes it worse). I think most of the explosion will be contained by the magnetic pocket, they'll cement over it, build the station, and things will continue just as we expected. What happened happened.
I really need to catch up... can any one point me into the direction of a place where I may watch the episodes (Not acquire)
I really need to catch up... can any one point me into the direction of a place where I may watch the episodes (Not acquire)

abc.com has full episodes, I'm not sure how far back they go though.
I'll spoiler this in case some haven't seen it yet.
The whole Jacob/Other-guy conflict is very interesting. It finally gives us a glimpse of the whole good/evil, black/white battle that's been going on on the island for at least 100+ years (note that Jacob had white shirt, other guy (anti-Jacob?) had black shirt).

Also it seems as though anti-Jacob has been the one taking the form of dead people on the island (Jack's dad, Locke, Alex, Eko's brother) and is trying to manipulate things to find a way to kill Jacob. We still don't know what this conflict is really all about though or who exactly they are. Jacob periodically arranges things to bring people to the island (Black Rock, Oceanic 815, maybe even the whole Dharma initiative?) Is anti-Jacob also the smoke monster?

It's kind of funny that the big shocker reveal that Locke really is dead, but they've told us explicitly several times that "dead is dead" so looking back it should not have been unexpected.

As far as the bomb goes, I think Miles is right. The bomb going off, essentially causes the incident (or makes it worse). I think most of the explosion will be contained by the magnetic pocket, they'll cement over it, build the station, and things will continue just as we expected. What happened happened.
The incident was happening even though the bomb didn't go off, so it can't be the cause. It could have made absolutely no difference to the timeline, but I'm not sure they'd end the series with Juliet detonating it if it wasn't significant.

Personally, I think we're in for some split-timeline shenanigans (one where Flight 815 crashes, one where it arrives safely in Los Angeles).

abc.com has full episodes, I'm not sure how far back they go though.
Can't see the videos here in Britain, I'm afraid.
I'll spoiler this in case some haven't seen it yet.
The whole Jacob/Other-guy conflict is very interesting. It finally gives us a glimpse of the whole good/evil, black/white battle that's been going on on the island for at least 100+ years (note that Jacob had white shirt, other guy (anti-Jacob?) had black shirt).

Also it seems as though anti-Jacob has been the one taking the form of dead people on the island (Jack's dad, Locke, Alex, Eko's brother) and is trying to manipulate things to find a way to kill Jacob. We still don't know what this conflict is really all about though or who exactly they are. Jacob periodically arranges things to bring people to the island (Black Rock, Oceanic 815, maybe even the whole Dharma initiative?) Is anti-Jacob also the smoke monster?

It's kind of funny that the big shocker reveal that Locke really is dead, but they've told us explicitly several times that "dead is dead" so looking back it should not have been unexpected.

As far as the bomb goes, I think Miles is right. The bomb going off, essentially causes the incident (or makes it worse). I think most of the explosion will be contained by the magnetic pocket, they'll cement over it, build the station, and things will continue just as we expected. What happened happened.

Yeah I was also thinking the smoke monster was Locke, since Ben was talking to his dead daughter when they went to visit the smoke monster; the monster (assuming Alex was the monster) told Ben to do whatever Locke told him (which the Locke who was alive), and since Locke was the smoke monster, he probably wanted Jacob dead.

If this is all true, I'm kind of disappointed the real Locke is dead. He was a great character in the series and probably once they figure out the smoke monster is the Locke who is roaming the island now, they'll probably kill of the smoke monster, which in turn kills off Locke. :(

Also, does this mean that Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, etc are all dead now if the bomb did detonate? Too many dead Losties.

They better explain the back story more on this whole Jacob ordeal. They introduce and kill the guy in the same episode!? Not cool.
Yeah I was also thinking the smoke monster was Locke, since Ben was talking to his dead daughter when they went to visit the smoke monster; the monster (assuming Alex was the monster) told Ben to do whatever Locke told him (which the Locke who was alive), and since Locke was the smoke monster, he probably wanted Jacob dead.

If this is all true, I'm kind of disappointed the real Locke is dead. He was a great character in the series and probably once they figure out the smoke monster is the Locke who is roaming the island now, they'll probably kill of the smoke monster, which in turn kills off Locke. :(

Also, does this mean that Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, etc are all dead now if the bomb did detonate? Too many dead Losties.

They better explain the back story more on this whole Jacob ordeal. They introduce and kill the guy in the same episode!? Not cool.
As much as I miss Locke, I'd prefer it to the idea of him being magically ressurrected when no one else was, and it provides an avenue for some actual answers about Jacob and Smokey.

I don't know how, but there's no way Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Miles are dead, and neither are Hurley and Jin (Sayid will probably live too, probably not Juliet though). You don't kill off most of the cast offscreen at the end of the penultimate season.

So no Desmond in this episode, again- does this mean he actually gets to sail off with Penny into the sunset and have a happy ending?
Foxy, ninjavideo.net

Jacob is free-will, Smokey is fate? Let the battle commence. Unless that was it. Or maybe Jacob is fate and Smokey is free-will, I can't decide.
Foxy, ninjavideo.net

Jacob is free-will, Smokey is fate? Let the battle commence. Unless that was it. Or maybe Jacob is fate and Smokey is free-will, I can't decide.
I do kinda think Jacob represents fate and Anti-Jacob (seems to be the name that's catching on), who may or may not be Smokey (but I think he is), represents free will.

My theory: I reckon the "loophole" Anti-Jacob was referring to had something to do with sending the Losties back in time in order to get them to detonate the hydrogen bomb. In the original timeline, they never went back in time, so the Incident happened, the Swan was built, and eventually Flight 815 crashes on the Island.

Anti-Jacob came up with some labyrinthine plan to send them back in time, but his plan hit a snag when the Oceanic Six didn't make it back to the Island from the freighter before Ben turned the frozen wheel. So, he somehow had Eloise and Widmore get them back to the Island on Flight 316. They go into the Dharma Initiative, and Daniel comes back from Ann Arbor with his plan to detonate the bomb. This was not supposed to happen in the original timeline. It could not have happened without the presence of time travellers in 1977, otherwise the bomb would have just stayed underground.

Everything that happened at the Swan site (Phil getting killed, Chang losing his arm) was going to happen whether the Losties were there or not, but Juliet being able to detonate the bomb changes everything- fate can't "course correct" from some such a colossal change in the timeline, and for some reason this creates a loophole in whatever rules Jacob is bound to, allowing Ben to kill him.
My theory: I reckon the "loophole" Anti-Jacob was referring to had something to do with sending the Losties back in time in order to get them to detonate the hydrogen bomb. In the original timeline, they never went back in time, so the Incident happened, the Swan was built, and eventually Flight 815 crashes on the Island.

Anti-Jacob first mentioned finding a loophole when saying he wanted to kill Jacob as they watched the Black Rock arrive. This seems pretty far ahead to be planned a time travel trip for the Oceanic crew and the bomb.

He said he wanted to kill Jacob, but apparently couldn't otherwise he would have just killed him there. The loophole must be Jacob can be killed, but only by someone else. So anit-Jacob manipulated events to put Locke in as the leader of the others, but then get him killed and returned to the island so that anti-Jacob could take his place but still have people following him. He could them manipulated Ben into killing Jacob since he still couldn't do it himself.

Kind of reminds me when Ben left the island and visited Whidmore. Whidmore said "you know you can't kill me". So Ben said that instead he would kill his daughter.
Anti-Jacob first mentioned finding a loophole when saying he wanted to kill Jacob as they watched the Black Rock arrive. This seems pretty far ahead to be planned a time travel trip for the Oceanic crew and the bomb.

He said he wanted to kill Jacob, but apparently couldn't otherwise he would have just killed him there. The loophole must be Jacob can be killed, but only by someone else. So anit-Jacob manipulated events to put Locke in as the leader of the others, but then get him killed and returned to the island so that anti-Jacob could take his place but still have people following him. He could them manipulated Ben into killing Jacob since he still couldn't do it himself.

Kind of reminds me when Ben left the island and visited Whidmore. Whidmore said "you know you can't kill me". So Ben said that instead he would kill his daughter.
He said he was going to find a loophole when the Black Rock was offshore. He didn't know what it was yet. And to be fair, it seems like he had all the time to come up with an idea.

Edit: On further thought, I'm not entirely sure about Jacob and Anti-Jacob representing fate and free will, or vice-versa. The Oceanic Six had to be convinced to get on Flight 316, but if everything is fated to happen then why would they need convincing (or in Sayid's case, kidnapping)? They'd have ended up on that flight one way or the other. There's certainly an element of free will vs. fate running through the series though.

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