LOST Season 5

Brownies14, although you'll be lost sometimes, it's okay to start with S5 as long as you're aware of the fact that some old event history and character-specific moments won't completely make sense. I suggest you finish Season 5 before you go back to rewatching, unless you're okay with watching the same show from two drastically different points in the plot at once.

Thanks for the advice. Since I have all the episodes in my laptop, I'm going to start from the begging of season 5 and watch all it's episodes (since I already watched the last one). Then I might start from the beginning.

Before I start, can anyone tell me why Sayid killed Ben?
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what the hell happened to this show, there going back in time now?

I watched season one and most of two, loved every minute of it...then i just got disgusted with all of the loose ends and slowly stopped watching.
Can anyone answer my question, why did Sayid kill Ben? I only watched Season 5, the last episode that came out.

Also why did he only put one bullet to him
Can anyone answer my question, why did Sayid kill Ben? I only watched Season 5, the last episode that came out.

Also why did he only put one bullet to him

You really just need to watch all of Lost, it's far too long and complicated to explain why Sayid killed young Ben.
what the hell happened to this show, there going back in time now?

I watched season one and most of two, loved every minute of it...then i just got disgusted with all of the loose ends and slowly stopped watching.

Ironically, it's the use of time travel that is actually wrapping up many of the loose ends.

The show is as good as it was in S2, if not better. On paper, LOST has sounded like an incredibly stupid show since Season 2 (How could a show about a movable Island with polar bears, smoke monsters, time travel, evil numbers, and dead people roaming around possibly be good, right?), but it's only because very few TV shows, if any, have been capable of handling so many diverse concepts with so much depth while maintaining its original integrity with success like LOST can. I'm not saying it's the perfect show, but it is ridiculously well-written so far.

Before I start, can anyone tell me why Sayid killed Ben?

Sure. Here's my explanation that I tried to summarize as best as I can (spoiler'd for length):

Ben has been responsible for countless betrayals and lies that have put anyone who puts their trust in him in extreme danger (sometimes resulting in the death of many) for his own personal gain and shows no remorse. When these innocent victims end up being the survivors, Ben's own "friends", and a certain young girl, that is despicable to Sayid, especially when he (Sayid) was the one from the very beginning who said he can't be trusted (S1), yet with every available moment of revenge Ben gets the benefit of the doubt through his uncanny ability to decieve everyone around him (including the viewers. Like them, even we still don't know what his true intentions are regarding the overall welfare of the already mysterious Island that has consumed everyone's lives).

Ben also took advantage of Sayid's own integrity directly when a heartbroken Sayid (his wife's death) accepted his wishes as his hitman, and soon afterwards, telling Sayid that he's nothing but a killer when he was done with him. Sayid's history of and talent for killing stems as far back as his childhood (S5 flashback). He is not proud of it and it has been a personal obstacle Sayid has been trying to run from his entire time on the show, and Ben is fully aware of it. Sayid's moral views on death and his exposure to it is probably why he hates so much the idea of Ben actually being okay with the resort to kill someone, and why he's aware of how dangerous some like that is.

In short, Ben was already on Sayid's sh*t list for being a threat to the survivors, but now he's also someone who directly took advantage of everything Sayid stands for.

It makes the thought of him making the brash decision to shoot an unarmed 12-year-old Ben completely appropriate to his situation. The irony of this, though, is that it only reaffirms that Ben has the upper hand (by continuing to make Sayid resort to the one thing that shames him most).

Also why did he only put one bullet to him

His countless situations with a gun prove that Sayid is very skilled with a gun. I'm sure he only needs one bullet to kill someone at this point.
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So, who else is betting that Sayid's going to die before the show ends as karmic punishment for shooting little Ben?

*raises hand*

It's gonna be as tragic as Charlie's death, I'm sure. I betting he'll take Ben down with him, too. This new Sayid situation seems to be the perfect set-piece for something like that.
Thanks Bio, I didn't know their was that much in it.
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I could never understand the obsession with this TV program. Isn't it like a Survivor rip-off? Or is that the other way around?
I could never understand the obsession with this TV program. Isn't it like a Survivor rip-off? Or is that the other way around?

Conceptually speaking, if anything, Survivor is more like a rip-off of LOST, even though Survivor was around first. People try to survive a primitive way of life and get kicked off the Island if they underperform in Survivor, yet these two concepts have been for long awhile a minor element of LOST, and even if someone does get off the Island, the Island continues to burden them. As the show has progresses it is clear that it is not just about physically leaving or surviving the Island anymore.

To make it simple, LOST has evolved into something greater than the typical "when will we (physically) get rescued from this Island?" formula.

Thanks Bio, I didn't know their was that much in it.

What was that creature after them in the first episode? (season 1) Was it possible to see, cause I thought I couldn't see it since my laptop is really dark. (The thing that killed the pilot)

And in the second episode (season 1) what was that thing charlie was using in the bathroom, was it cocaine? is that why he put it in the toilet?

Seeing as you have the episodes available, I won't spoil those elements for you. =)

But yes, that creature will be eventually be revealed in the show.
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Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like I was knocking the show. I'm pretty obsessed with The X-Files so I can't really talk, lol.
Haha, it's alright. I'm just saying it for how it is.

Speaking of X-Files, part of what divides LOST from the norm is in its sci-fi elements, too.
I think the reason I love The X-Files is because it was a show that didn't rely on sex, scantily clad babes, or soap-opera-cardboard-cutout-people to entertain. Nowadays you have this in about every show on TV.
^I'm with you there. That stuff has no substance to it. I don't even waste my time watching shows like that.

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