Literature Discussion

I will later. I want to make a huge post after I read it through a couple of times.

but for now:
I can't remember it verbatim but one of the tactics was, I believe, shifting your defense to keep the enemy guessing
Nintendo uses that strategy by going into motion controlled video games. the competitors both went to motion gaming. But when they got there Nintendo shifted it's defenses again with the WiiU.
I can't remember it verbatim but one of the tactics was, I believe, shifting your defense to keep the enemy guessing
Nintendo uses that strategy by going into motion controlled video games. the competitors both went to motion gaming. But when they got there Nintendo shifted it's defenses again with the WiiU.

A video game company like Nintendo isn't going to rely on war tactics for it's business.
The information in said link outright stated they followed the book, but it certainly wasn't Nintendo, nor any business that is well known. Claiming that a thriving business like Nintendo would follow such an unorthodox method s of business is ridiculous. It's grasping at straws to try to tie it. It's as senseless as someone claiming that anyone who tries something followed the story of the little engine that could.
Look it up
it can and has been used in business
and I don't know for a fact that Nintendo uses it but it is likely
Look it up
it can and has been used in business
and I don't know for a fact that Nintendo uses it but it is likely

Nintendo may be game based but it certainly isn't foolish to follow something like that. Minor businesses might do that, but for serious competitors, something more sensical is required.
Making such radical claims requires some more concrete proof. I see no evidence of our Ninty relying on something from over 2 millenia ago.
There is a difference between relying on, and using.

Strategy and stratagem in this old-ass manual of war might be considered basic nowadays, but no wise tactician in both battles of arms and battles of economics ever ignores the basics. Complexity allows for amazing accomplishment. Simplicity allows for amazing accomplishment if you've the wisdom to keep it simple.

Point bein', there ain't no particular evidence whether Ninty has or hasn't had their business practices and/or ethics influenced by the Art of War. The book has it's uses in reference to businesses large 'n small, and there is the possibility Ninty may of included it in their economic brainstorming sessions or other such things.
It seems that you think of Nintendo as lenient in their way of thinking. 'tis srs bsns. There's a bigger possibility that I hate coffee than that of Ninty using that book for practicality.
No it isn't. Quick analysis should tell you that it's tactics on war, with minor philosophy and morals sprinkled in.
I'll paraphrase what MR has said; apparently you don't know how well war tactics can be applied to economics.

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