Kyurem Alternate Forms Revealed?!


The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Jan 25, 2009
Nimbasa City
Wii Online Code
On top of the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 game announcements (if you haven't seen it yet, get the details here), Kyurem has received two new forms to go with his previously unlearnable, but perceived signature moves, Freeze Shock and Ice Burn. These are Kyurem's alternate forms.



EDIT: It has been confirmed that these are Kyurem's alternate forms, which are named Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, respectively.

More importantly, now that we know for sure that Kyurem has alternate forms and not just special event moves, this might help Kyurem on the competitive side of things. The moves themselves aren't useful since they don't break Protect (y u so special Giratina?), but an alternate form just might change it's stats to be more offensive than being moreso balanced; hopefully it will be faster. It's typing has been confirmed to not be changing, unfortunately. It's pretty obvious it's alternate forms wouldn't forsake STAB of said signature Ice moves, so if Kyurem's stats don't change, it still won't be OU material sadly.

Interesting news to say the least, but nothing... game breaking.
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I love Kyurem, and I think its alternate forms look pretty awesome. Kyuresh is my favorite, but not by much. Kyuzek is cool too.
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Kyuresh and Kyuzek... Fan-names accepted. The entire internets must now call them this, or die.

... Though, Kyuram and Kyurom sound more suitable to the "Kyu" part of the name, IMO. This might get adopted, particularly in the competitive community, so that they can be referred to as Kyur@m akin to the Latis.

As for aesthetics, Kyur@m looks like... a patchwork between Kyurem and whichever Dragon. I don't like it, to say the least. Very fitting if they were to perform the fusion dance, but...

Kyurem's original aesthetics are cool enough, though.

... Also, notice the last parts of their names? Rem, Ram, and Rom? COINCIDENCE?!
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Even though I'm plenty slow to post 'bout 'em.

Kyurem's forms are now to be referred to as Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. Wow, how creative game freak... ... ...

This also confirms that they are indeed Kyurem's alternate forms.

Even though I'm plenty slow to post 'bout 'em.

Kyurem's forms are now to be referred to as Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. Wow, how creative game freak... ... ...

This also confirms that they are indeed Kyurem's alternate forms.

Kyuzek and Kyuresh frvr.
I like both of Kyurem's forms, I like White Kyurem a bit more than Black Kyurem. I hope they can be shiny.
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Oh, that reminds me... First post updated to match all the widely known info 'n such. I need to take better care of my old threads. >_>;

Not really a fan of either form, TBH. I prefer the original Kyurem.

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