Kill the person above you thread

I shove mario up your dumbass

and then go reveals that he has swallowed a bomb so you go boom!
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  • #710
I fart

Wii all die (yes they atre that bad)
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  • #713
Posts a pic that confusies the hell outa you

You all die from confusion
if i die bcos of that, ittl be because my brain dosent go well with illusions and i pass out .......FACT

uhh i throw a knife at you
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  • #718
I post another pardox pic
i put your wii in a crock infested lake then you try to save it but you get eetd
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  • #720
I jump in the it of crocs
Come out warein a nice leather jacket

Throws the teath at bonodo ninja stlye

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