Kill the person above you thread

you throw your wiimote in anger (you couldnt complete the 3rd level in WarioWare). But you forgot the coil loop (?? ..the thing to strap the wiimote to your wrist) anyway.. the wiimote snaps back and hits your eye.
You survive, but due to the fact that you never washed your hands all the dirt on your wiimote you get some strange infection..
BUT you still survive..

after all you simply die of cancer
When did this thread go to HOW you die? Isn't the premise WHY?

Meh, you catch AIDS from your cousin's unsterilized needles.

nvm, I was thinking of a different thread.
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  • #604
Comes back and slaps every one about a bit

You are killed with a pic overload
you die from a sword going through your chin too your brain's centre

and darkprinny dies again for nearly making me collapse
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  • #608
I send out a virus that kills your internets speed
You die of boardom waitn for the page to load

Stomps a mudhole in Lopez for a dumb killin(?)
I too stomp a mudhole and walk it dry, and I look at you, you gulp, I kill you with eye lazers
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  • #610
Counters eye lazers with mouth lazer

And sends out big gay guy to bash you
kill dark prinny bye stabbing him 99999 times bringing him back to lif eclone him kill all his clones then bring him back then crush his head with a herring:devil:
a smurf comes along and farts toxic gases that turnes you skin inside out, a dog drags you of and you expload when the fonz comes along and sprays you with toxic eeeeeeeeey-nal fluid.
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  • #613
Noobs cant hurt meYour post level is to low to do anything
Your att does -0dmg
I Att with basic att you die

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